NEWS The Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins publishes “The Energy to Change the World”

The Cen­ter for Tal­ent­ed Youth at Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty has a great issue of their mag­a­zine Imag­ine, about ener­gy issues, ener­gy access, and ener­gy projects by stu­dents from around the world.  The short piece I wrote for them, “Ener­gy to change the world” is avail­able there, and on the RAEL pub­li­ca­tions page.  You can access that arti­cle here.

The Cen­ter for Tal­ent­ed Youth has also giv­en us per­mis­sion to share the link to access all of the articles:



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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
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