NEWS New York Times: Testing the Clean-Energy Logic of a Tesla-SolarCity Merger

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Elon Musk, chief exec­u­tive of Tes­la and chair­man of SolarCi­ty, says he wants to cre­ate the “world’s only ver­ti­cal­ly inte­grat­ed ener­gy com­pa­ny” with the merg­er of the two com­pa­nies. Cred­itJustin Sullivan/​Getty Images 

Imag­ine a world in which every home and build­ing is a minia­ture pow­er plant, with solar pan­els on the roofs and elec­tric vehi­cles and sta­tion­ary bat­tery banks in the garages.

Meters and soft­ware would man­age the flow of pow­er, allow­ing home­own­ers and busi­ness­es to seam­less­ly buy and sell elec­tric­i­ty at the best prices, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly low­er­ing their costs and rais­ing the amount of green ener­gy on the grid.

That’s the long-term vision behind the plan that Elon Musk described late Tues­day, explain­ing the ratio­nale for Tes­la to acquire SolarCi­ty and cre­ate the “world’s only ver­ti­cal­ly inte­grat­ed ener­gy company.’’And it may very well become real­i­ty, whether in years or decades, and whether Mr. Musk’s ver­sion of the vision is one that proves viable.

Still, if Mr. Musk and his cousins, Lyn­don and Peter Rive, can trounce the com­pe­ti­tion and sur­mount their finan­cial woes — and those are very big ifs — the inte­grat­ed com­pa­ny they are try­ing to assem­ble could be in a posi­tion to dominate.

This is an effort to build the Apple of clean ener­gy,” said Daniel M. Kam­men, the direc­tor of the Renew­able and Appro­pri­ate Ener­gy Lab­o­ra­to­ry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley. “That real­ly is part of the new wave of com­pa­nies that could make this decar­boniza­tion address­ing cli­mate change real­ly work.”

Wall Street, at least for the moment, is not on board.

SolarCity’s stock, which has been trad­ing at rough­ly a quar­ter of its peak val­ue in recent months, rose after the announce­ment. But Tesla’s has tum­bled. Sev­er­al ana­lysts and investors have ques­tioned the wis­dom of adding to both com­pa­nies’ finan­cial pres­sures — between them the com­pa­nies lost more than $1.6 bil­lion last year — and poten­tial­ly dis­tract­ing Tes­la from build­ing its enor­mous bat­tery fac­to­ry in Neva­da and bring­ing its first mod­er­ate­ly priced car to mar­ket next year.

Even some ener­gy ana­lysts say the pro­posed acqui­si­tion is at least as much about help­ing Mr. Musk’s per­son­al invest­ments as fur­ther­ing his green agen­da. But, some ener­gy experts and investors say, there is log­ic in com­bin­ing Tes­la, where Mr. Musk is chief exec­u­tive, and SolarCi­ty, where he is chairman.

Describ­ing Tes­la auto­mo­biles as “bat­ter­ies wrapped in a car,” Shawn Kravetz, founder of the solar pow­er invest­ment com­pa­ny Esplanade Cap­i­tal, said that the ener­gy stor­age busi­ness was like­ly to become colos­sal. “And so you can see,’’ he said, ‘‘how the elec­tric­i­ty to pow­er those bat­ter­ies can be an essen­tial part of this.”

The two com­pa­nies have been mov­ing toward a clos­er part­ner­ship for some time. SolarCi­ty began installing Tes­la bat­ter­ies in pilot projects for res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial cus­tomers about four years ago. Last year, Tes­la announced its move to mar­ket recharge­able lithi­um-ion bat­tery packs that could mount to a home garage wall, as well as bat­tery blocks large enough to pow­er com­mer­cial and indus­tri­al cus­tomers and serve in util­i­ty-scale instal­la­tions to smooth out fluc­tu­a­tions in the grid.

At the same time, SolarCi­ty, after years of chal­leng­ing the util­i­ty indus­try to inno­vate or die, start­ed act­ing more like a util­i­ty itself. It began a pro­gram aimed at cities, remote com­mu­ni­ties, cam­pus­es and mil­i­tary bases to design and oper­ate small, inde­pen­dent pow­er net­works called micro­grids. At the time, Peter Rive, one of the company’s founders and its chief tech­ni­cal offi­cer, called the sys­tem “a tem­plate that can be scaled up to basi­cal­ly be the next-gen­er­a­tion grid.”

As the lead­ing rooftop solar provider in the coun­try, SolarCi­ty is thought to have the largest col­lec­tion of data on how solar cus­tomers use ener­gy at every minute of the day. With that data — espe­cial­ly if com­bined with infor­ma­tion from elec­tric cars, charg­ers and sta­tion­ary bat­ter­ies — the com­bined com­pa­ny could be well suit­ed to cre­at­ing prod­ucts and ser­vices based on cus­tomer needs.

They deeply under­stand what the customer’s usage pat­terns are,” said Swap­nil Shah, chief exec­u­tive of First­Fu­el Soft­ware, which pro­vides ener­gy man­age­ment ser­vices to build­ings. He com­pared the poten­tial to Amazon’s abil­i­ty to adapt and cus­tomize online shop­ping to buyer’s behavior.

They’re cre­at­ing unique per­son­al­ized pro­files of your habits,’’ Mr. Shah said, “and they use that to iden­ti­fy what is the next click for the next product.”

And yet, while SolarCi­ty was build­ing the infra­struc­ture for a new, decen­tral­ized approach to pow­er pro­duc­tion known as dis­trib­uted gen­er­a­tion, while earn­ing a rep­u­ta­tion for aggres­sive attacks on the old-school util­i­ty indus­try, Mr. Musk was turn­ing Tes­la into “the brand that every­one wants to buy,” Mr. Kam­men said. That brand bur­nish­ing is some­thing that could ben­e­fit SolarCi­ty, he said.

But a big chal­lenge for Tes­la, said Shayle Kann of GTM Research, which focus­es on clean ener­gy indus­tries, is that it is not the only com­pa­ny with such a grand vision. Util­i­ty indus­try stal­warts like Edi­son Inter­na­tion­al and Con Edi­son are devel­op­ing ener­gy ser­vices and con­sult­ing divi­sions, while tech­nol­o­gy giants like Gen­er­al Elec­tric, Ora­cle, Google and even Apple are get­ting into the busi­ness of pro­vid­ing or man­ag­ing power.

Of course, the merg­er plan may not go through, if oth­er investors balk and because of the cor­po­rate gov­er­nance and oth­er issues aris­ing from Mr. Musk’s roles in both com­pa­nies. He also owns more than 20 per­cent of each. But maybe a merg­er isn’t nec­es­sary to achieve the larg­er goals.

Do you have to own things in order to lever­age or even to a cer­tain extent con­trol them?” Mr. Kravetz of Esplanade Cap­i­tal asked. “I think the answer is no. You don’t have to own the cow to get the milk.”

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