NEWS The Borneo Post: Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan gets praise from professor Kammen

The Bor­neo Post, August 17: KUCHING: Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Pat­ing­gi Tan Sri Ade­nan Satem’s move to can­cel the plans to con­struct Baram dam has earned him­self com­pli­ments from Dr Daniel M Kam­men, a dis­tin­guished pro­fes­sor of renew­able ener­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkeley.

Speak­ing on the side­lines of a lun­cheon talk on ‘Build­ing alter­na­tive renew­able and sus­tain­able ener­gy capac­i­ty for eco­nom­ic growth and devel­op­ment in Sarawak’ host­ed by Batu Lin­tang assem­bly­man See Chee How here yes­ter­day, Kam­men regard­ed the step tak­en by Ade­nan as ‘a rare thing’ that had only been tak­en by only a hand­ful of brave world leaders.

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The Chief Min­is­ter of Sarawak has tak­en a huge and impor­tant step can­celling the con­tract for a mega dam because it wasn’t like­ly to pro­duce the rur­al ener­gy that was need­ed, it wasn’t bring­ing inter­na­tion­al financ­ing and instead to invest in a sus­tain­able Sarawak.

That is a rare thing. I only know a few glob­al lead­ers who have been that brave, Jer­ry Brown the gov­er­nor of Cal­i­for­nia, the chief min­is­ter of Sarawak. There are also a few lead­ers like Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel who I think have tak­en a major step to make clean ener­gy the standard.”

Kam­men, who is the found­ing direc­tor of the Renew­able and Appro­pri­ate Ener­gy Lab­o­ra­to­ry (RAEL), acknowl­edged that while can­celling the con­tract for the con­struc­tion of the big dam was impor­tant, the state had to pur­sue oth­er clean ener­gy such as solar and biomass.

Of course, I would like to see a lit­tle more change because if you’re not going to build the next big dam, but you’re build­ing all those new indus­tri­al build­ings all around town not equip­ping them with solar, which I feel is a loss of opportunity.

Find a few of these new invest­ments like many of the com­mu­ni­ties around here where they are build­ing lots of new devel­op­ment and tell them ‘your build­ing con­tract, we’ll grant it but we want to see solar on roof top, we want to see bio­mass com­bus­tion sys­tem out back. You’re gen­er­at­ing clean ener­gy and we’ll make sure you get paid for it’.”

As part of the mea­sures to encour­age the use of renew­able and sus­tain­able ener­gy, he opined that the gov­ern­ment should strength­en the feed-in tar­iff mech­a­nism that exist­ed on paper but not used in the coun­try, adding that the busi­ness­es or firms want­i­ng to sell back pow­er to the grid should be giv­en the right to do so.

You can’t just say it and walk away. You have to fund some small com­pa­nies to start to prove it hap­pens and that requires hard work and that’s the next step. So we have to see it take place, not just to say we have it.

I know there are many coun­tries that have very good poli­cies on paper but you have to fol­low it up. Because bio­mass is so plen­ti­ful here cou­pled with the solar resources that are so good and the micro-hydro, you have to make it happen.”

He said often when peo­ple hear about projects to build solar pan­els and wind tur­bines, they resist­ed because it was some­thing that they were unfa­mil­iar with and con­cerned over the cost, with­out real­is­ing how cheap things had become over the years.

There is now inter­na­tion­al financ­ing avail­able (for these projects) from many dif­fer­ent agen­cies, not just the World Bank, the US but new Green

Cli­mate Fund is ramp­ing up right now so that it can spend US$100 bil­lion a year on projects. This is a much broad­er fund, it sup­ports clean ener­gy projects worldwide.”

Kam­men, who last vis­it­ed Sarawak in June last year and had paid a cour­tesy call on Ade­nan, said he was inter­est­ed to work with Sarawak Ener­gy Bhd and the state gov­ern­ment on the analy­sis need­ed to put togeth­er a clean ener­gy plan.

On Sarawak Cor­ri­dor of Renew­able Ener­gy (SCORE), Kam­men opined that it was not a good project as it required the con­struc­tion of 10 mega dams in n the state, which to him, did not make sense.

The forests are not only crit­i­cal for nature but many peo­ple make their liv­ing off them. Sarawak doesn’t have a deficit of ener­gy, there is actu­al­ly a lot generated.

The chal­lenge is that we have to con­vert that to clean ener­gy. So you need to devel­op roof top solar, large scale solar. In Penin­su­lar Malaysia, they have large solar projects just near the air­port. They are gen­er­at­ing solar pow­er, putting it back into the grid. Projects like that need to hap­pen here.”

Dr. Rebekah Shirley directs RAEL’s projects for sus­tain­able ener­gy in Borneo

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