NEWS The PACE of clean energy development featured in Science

The PACE of clean ener­gy development

The Prop­er­ty Assessed Clean Ener­gy (PACE) pro­gram is a nation­al ini­tia­tive designed to pro­mote invest­ment in solar pho­to­voltaics by com­mer­cial, non­prof­it, and res­i­den­tial prop­er­ty own­ers. Its cen­tral fea­ture is to pro­vide low-cost, long-term fund­ing, which is repaid as an assess­ment on the property’s reg­u­lar tax bill, as is done for side­walks and sew­ers, for exam­ple. Spurring such invest­ment clear­ly is a good goal, but is the pro­gram effec­tive? Ameli, Pisu, and Kam­men in Applied Ener­gy used a nat­ur­al exper­i­ment in north­ern Cal­i­for­nia to test the capac­i­ty of PACE, find­ing that it has been a great suc­cess, more than dou­bling res­i­den­tial pho­to­volta­ic instal­la­tions in the region at no cost to the tax­pay­ers. —HJS

Appl. Ener­gy 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.01.037 (2017).

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