NEWS KQED Forum: California Defiant as President Trump Withdraws from Paris Climate Accord



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Forum with Michael Kras­ny — Fri­day, June 2: Lis­ten live or down­load the podcast


Trump is AWOL but Cal­i­for­nia is on the field, ready for bat­tle.” That’s how Cal­i­for­nia gov­er­nor Jer­ry Brown respond­ed to Pres­i­dent Trump’s announce­ment Thurs­day that the Unit­ed States will pull out of the 2015 Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment. Gov­er­nor Brown also announced Thurs­day that Cal­i­for­nia, togeth­er with Wash­ing­ton and New York, will form the Unit­ed States Cli­mate Alliance, a coali­tion of states com­mit­ted to uphold­ing the Paris agree­ment and reduc­ing green­house gas emis­sions. We dis­cuss what the U.S. with­draw­al from the agree­ment will mean for California.

Paul Rogers, man­ag­ing edi­tor, KQED’s Sci­ence; envi­ron­ment writer, The Mer­cury News
Tom Stey­erbusi­nessper­son and founder of NextGen Climate
Dr. Dan Kam­men, pro­fes­sor of ener­gy, UC Berke­ley; sci­ence envoy for the State Depart­ment; direc­tor, Renew­able and Appro­pri­ate Ener­gy Lab­o­ra­to­ry at UC Berkeley

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