NEWS Proceedings of the National Academy publishes our critique of “WWS” model

Our paper now avail­able from the Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sciences:

Pre­vi­ous analy­ses have found that the most fea­si­ble route to a low-car­bon ener­gy future is one that adopts a diverse port­fo­lio of tech­nolo­gies. In con­trast, Jacob­son et al. (2015) con­sid­er whether the future pri­ma­ry ener­gy sources for the Unit­ed States could be nar­rowed to almost exclu­sive­ly wind, solar, and hydro­elec­tric pow­er and sug­gest that this can be done at “low-cost” in a way that sup­plies all pow­er with a prob­a­bil­i­ty of loss of load “that exceeds elec­tric-util­i­ty-indus­try stan­dards for reli­a­bil­i­ty”. We find that their analy­sis involves errors, inap­pro­pri­ate meth­ods, and implau­si­ble assump­tions. Their study does not pro­vide cred­i­ble evi­dence for reject­ing the con­clu­sions of pre­vi­ous analy­ses that point to the ben­e­fits of con­sid­er­ing a broad port­fo­lio of ener­gy sys­tem options. A pol­i­cy pre­scrip­tion that over­promis­es on the ben­e­fits of rely­ing on a nar­row­er port­fo­lio of tech­nolo­gies options could be coun­ter­pro­duc­tive, seri­ous­ly imped­ing the move to a cost effec­tive decar­bonized ener­gy system.

Or, down­load it from the RAEL Pub­li­ca­tions page: here.

Press cov­er­age of this paper:

June 20, 2017 — Pow­er Mag­a­zine: Experts debunk 100% Renew­able Ener­gy Decar­boniza­tion Study by WWS Team

June 20, 2017 — The Chica­go Tri­bune: A bit­ter sci­en­tif­ic debate just erupt­ed over the future of Amer­i­ca’s pow­er grid

June 20, 2017 — The New York Times: “Fisticuffs Over the Route to a Clean Ener­gy Future

June 19, 2017 — The Wash­ing­ton Post: A bit­ter sci­en­tif­ic debate just erupt­ed over the future of Amer­i­ca’s pow­er grid

June 19, 2017 — MIT Tech­nol­o­gy Review: Sci­en­tists sharply rebut influ­en­tial renew­able ener­gy plan

June 19, 2017 — Sci­ence Dai­ly:Fight­ing glob­al warm­ing and cli­mate change requires a broad ener­gy port­fo­lio

June 19, 2017 — Green­tech Media: “100% renew­able ener­gy plan as ‘sig­nif­i­cant short­com­ings’ say cli­mate and ener­gy experts”.




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