NEWS Dam projects steal from Malaysians, says former US science envoy Daniel Kammen

HYDROELECTRIC dams are not the answer to sus­tained pow­er gen­er­a­tion, said a for­mer US State Depart­ment sci­ence envoy, call­ing them an attempt to “steal” from Malaysians.

Daniel Kam­men, in an op-ed pre­view­ing the top­ics to be dis­cussed at the Clean Ener­gy Col­lab­o­ra­tion con­fer­ence in Kuch­ing next week, said future ener­gy require­ments for Malaysia, and Sarawak in par­tic­u­lar, can “eas­i­ly, and more cheap­ly, come from oth­er projects”, name­ly those on solar and wind generation.


A for­mer US State Depart­ment sci­ence envoy says it would be a tragedy if the renew­able ener­gy rev­o­lu­tion arrives too late to save the world’s rivers and the com­mu­ni­ties that depend on them – March 7, 2019.

Kam­nen’s Op Ed and com­ments came in advance of the March 15 & 16 Clean Ener­gy Col­lab­o­ra­tion meet­ing in Kuch­ing, Sarawak, Malaysia

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