NEWS RAEL PhD student Samira Siddique part of new Working Group on the Rohingya Crisis

Since August 2017, Burmese secu­ri­ty forces have been car­ry­ing out a cam­paign of eth­nic cleans­ing against Rohingya Mus­lims in Rakhine State forc­ing over half a mil­lion of them to flee to neigh­bor­ing Bangladesh to escape killings, arson, and oth­er atroc­i­ties. This mass migra­tion has result­ed in one of the worst human­i­tar­i­an crises of our time.  The Chowd­hury Cen­ter, in a attempt to under­stand this, has launched a Rohingya cri­sis work­ing group in which stu­dents, researchers, and prac­ti­tion­ers are invit­ed to devel­op ideas and col­lab­o­ra­tions to fur­ther our col­lec­tive work relat­ed to the Rohingya cri­sis. Sami­ra Sid­dique is play­ing a cen­tral role in this work­ing group.

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