NEWS Green Stimulus to Rebuild our Economy: An Open Letter to Congress.

To access and download the Green Stimulus Open Letter to Congress:


Click here.


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Press Coverage 

Our Op-Eds

The Hill, Johan­na Bozuwa & Thea Riofran­cos: COVID-19 makes clear ener­gy and water are pub­lic goods

Data for Progress blog: J. Mijin Cha, Daniel Aldana Cohen, Mark Paul. Vot­ers Want a Green Stimulus. 

Media: Print & Online

Sci­ence, April 30, 2020. Renew­able pow­er surges, as pan­dem­ic scram­bles glob­al ener­gy out­look.

The Verge, April 30, 2020.  Clean ener­gy could get Amer­i­cans back to work post-pandemic

In these Times.  April 9, 2002. Cli­mate Advo­cates are gear­ing up for the Next Stim­u­lus Pack­age.

Green­Biz. April 9, 2020.  Can a #Green­Stim­u­lus lead us from break­down to breakthrough?

Wash­ing­ton Post. As they race to boost the econ­o­my, law­mak­ers encounter push for a green­er stimulus


Earth­er. Ener­gy Experts Have a Plan to Fight Covid-19 and the Cli­mate Crisis

Mar­ket­Watch: A green-mind­ed stim­u­lus to save the econ­o­my from coro­n­avirus? This group thinks it has the $2 tril­lion answers

The Hill. Pro­gres­sive advo­cates pro­pose $2T ‘green stim­u­lus’ plan

MIT Tech­nol­o­gy Review: We need eco­nom­ic relief now. Cli­mate pol­i­cy can come later.

City­Lab: A Green Stim­u­lus Plan for a Post-Coro­n­avirus Economy

Vox: A just and sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic response to coro­n­avirus, explained

Huff­in­g­ton Post. House Democ­rats Add Cli­mate Rules To Stim­u­lus Bill But Fall Short Of Pro­gres­sive Calls

Com­mon Dreams. ‘Green Stim­u­lus’ Demand­ed to Bat­tle Con­ver­gent Crises of Coro­n­avirus, Eco­nom­ic Injus­tice, and Cli­mate Emergency

E&E News. PANDEMIC: McConnell slams Democ­rats over envi­ron­men­tal demands — Mon­day, March 23, 2020

E&E News. POLITICS: Democ­rats fight Green New Deal attacks on stimulus

Huff­in­g­ton Post: House Democ­rats Add Cli­mate Rules To Stim­u­lus Bill But Fall Short Of Pro­gres­sive Calls

Wis­con­sin Exam­in­er: Think big while stay­ing at home 

Next City: Hous­ing in Brief: How A ‘Green Stim­u­lus’ Could Address Hous­ing Shortages

For­tune: U.S. Sen­ate $2 tril­lion coro­n­avirus stim­u­lus deal not good for sustainability

Moth­er Jones: The Only Thing Green About the COVID-19 Stim­u­lus Bill Is the Money

Dai­ly Caller: Sens. Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren’s For­mer Advis­ers Helped Author A $2 Tril­lion Green Ener­gy Stim­u­lus Deal

Fast Com­pa­ny: Big Oil is cheap: Should the gov­ern­ment take it over?

Envi­ron­men­tal Work­ing Group: The Coro­n­avirus Stim­u­lus Must Address Three Crises: The Pan­dem­ic, the Econ­o­my and Cli­mate Change

Media: TV, Radio, Pod­cast interviews

CNN Inter­na­tion­al: How Flat­ten­ing the Curve Can be Applied to the Cli­mate Cri­sis, with Daniel Kammen

Media Sanc­tu­ary: Green Stim­u­lus, with Daniel Aldana Cohen

Build­ings on Air: A Con­ver­sa­tion in Zoom, USA (Episode 36), with Bil­ly Flem­ing 

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
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