NEWS How renewable energy could emerge on top after the pandemic

For the orig­i­nal post­ing in Grist and Yale Environment360click here.

Before the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic hit, renew­able ener­gy was grow­ing steadi­ly — but still not fast enough to meet the Paris Agreement’s car­bon reduc­tion goals, let alone to make the fur­ther strides need­ed to keep cli­mate change from spi­ral­ing out of control.

Now, the virus-induced eco­nom­ic shock is like­ly to slow the expan­sion of wind, solar, and oth­er clean pow­er sources, at least tem­porar­i­ly, experts say. But while lock­downs, social dis­tanc­ing require­ments, and finan­cial uncer­tain­ties have put some new projects on ice, the under­ly­ing strengths of renew­ables remain strong, and ana­lysts expect their eco­nom­ic advan­tage over volatile fos­sil fuels will only increase in the long term.

Lead­ers must seize the oppor­tu­ni­ty to design eco­nom­ic recov­ery pack­ages so they accel­er­ate a shift toward wind and solar pow­er, rather than prop­ping up the fos­sil fuel econ­o­my, said Francesco La Cam­era, direc­tor-gen­er­al of the Inter­na­tion­al Renew­able Ener­gy Agency, an inter­gov­ern­men­tal body.

The only thing we have to be afraid of,” he said, “is that gov­ern­ments can be pushed by lob­by­ists to bail out sec­tors that belong to the past. And this is the real danger.”

As shut­downs aimed at stem­ming the viral spread have caused glob­al ener­gy demand to plum­met, renew­able sources have account­ed for an increased share of pow­er gen­er­a­tion. That is in part because the low cost of solar and wind pow­er means they are often dis­patched to grids before oth­er sources such as coal and nuclear pow­er. The huge drop-off in demand, for both elec­tric­i­ty and trans­porta­tion fuels, has also pushed oil and gas prices to his­toric lows, and left fos­sil fuel com­pa­nies strug­gling to find stor­age space for huge gluts of product.

In the short term, how­ev­er, ana­lysts say that the glob­al eco­nom­ic fall­out from the pan­dem­ic will almost cer­tain­ly also be a drag on the growth of renew­ables. Stay-at-home orders halt­ed pro­duc­tion at fac­to­ries mak­ing solar pan­els and wind tur­bine parts, and ship­ping delays have exac­er­bat­ed sup­ply prob­lems. Con­struc­tion on some big arrays stopped, and social dis­tanc­ing require­ments have forced home solar com­pa­nies to post­pone rooftop instal­la­tions and sales visits.

The indus­try need­ed instal­la­tions to be speed­ing up rather than slow­ing down at this point” for coun­tries to bring car­bon-cut­ting real­i­ties into line with their promis­es under the Paris Agree­ment, said Logan Goldie-Scot, head of clean pow­er research at analy­sis firm BloombergNEF, or BNEF. “Any­thing that makes that gap big­ger is huge­ly prob­lem­at­ic from an emis­sions perspective.”

BNEF has scaled back its pro­jec­tions for 2020 instal­la­tions by 12 per­cent for wind and 8 per­cent for solar, com­pared to what it antic­i­pat­ed before the pan­dem­ic. Renew­ables growth has been steady in recent years, and last fall, the Inter­na­tion­al Ener­gy Agency, or IEA, pre­dict­ed the world’s renew­able pow­er sup­ply would grow by 50 per­cent over the next five years, adding new pow­er gen­er­a­tion equiv­a­lent to the entire exist­ing elec­tric­i­ty capac­i­ty of the Unit­ed States.

VCG /​ Get­ty Images

We were expect­ing a boom year” in 2020, said Hey­mi Bahar, the IEA’s senior renew­ables ana­lyst. “So this becomes very bad timing.”

The big­ger ques­tion, experts say, is what hap­pens as coun­tries reopen. With cash tight, and eco­nom­ic trou­bles expect­ed to keep ener­gy demand below pre-COVID-19 lev­els, new wind and solar projects may find financ­ing hard to come by.

Auc­tions in which com­pa­nies bid to build such projects have been post­poned. Alto­geth­er, more than 40 per­cent of wind and solar capac­i­ty that was sched­uled to be com­mis­sioned from April to the end of this year has been delayed, said Goldie-Scot. “That’s an imme­di­ate setback.”

Home solar took a big­ger hit than util­i­ty-scale projects. Those rooftop sales are like­ly to con­tin­ue strug­gling, as the slow­down forces home­own­ers and small busi­ness­es to restrict spend­ing on big-tick­et items like solar arrays, even if, in the long run, they gen­er­ate sub­stan­tial savings.

Still, ana­lysts agree the renew­able ener­gy sector’s fun­da­men­tals are strong. A lot has changed since the last glob­al melt­down, the finan­cial cri­sis of 2007-08. Tech­nolo­gies have matured and prices dropped, to the point where renew­ables in most cas­es pro­vide cheap­er ener­gy than fos­sil fuels. Bat­tery stor­age, key to mak­ing clean pow­er steady and reli­able, is improv­ing rapidly.

Renew­able gen­er­a­tion sources have become extra­or­di­nar­i­ly com­pet­i­tive from an eco­nom­ic stand­point,” said Dan Shreve, head of glob­al wind ener­gy research at con­sult­ing firm Wood Macken­zie. “It’s a ter­rif­ic sto­ry. Do we expect any of that to change in the near term? No, I don’t think so.”

Indeed, with oil com­pa­nies in a tail­spin, clean energy’s steadi­ness also increas­es its appeal to investors, in Shreve’s view. “Folks look­ing for a safe haven in a very tur­bu­lent mar­ket may con­tin­ue to turn to this sec­tor,” he said.

Even the breath­tak­ing drops in oil and gas prices may not be enough to under­mine wind and solar. While oil is cen­tral to trans­porta­tion, it doesn’t play a direct role in pow­er gen­er­a­tion. And its low price will mean drilling is scaled back. Since nat­ur­al gas — which does go up against wind and solar in elec­tric­i­ty mar­kets — often flows from the ground along with oil, its sup­ply is like­ly to decline too, bring­ing its price back up.

Which means it won’t be com­pet­i­tive with renew­ables,” said Amy Myers Jaffe, direc­tor of the Pro­gram on Ener­gy Secu­ri­ty and Cli­mate Change at the Coun­cil on For­eign Relations.

Indeed, Shreve said nuclear and coal-fired pow­er plants faced far stiffer head­winds than renew­ables. “That’s been the case for the last five years. It was expect­ed to be the case for the next five years, regard­less of the Covid cri­sis,” he said. Ear­ly retire­ments of such plants, par­tic­u­lar­ly the ones for which finances were already in trou­ble, could pick up pace, he said.

Anoth­er sec­tor like­ly to take a hit is elec­tric cars. That has less to do with low oil prices than with unem­ploy­ment slow­ing sales for all cars, Jaffe said. “If you believe that peo­ple were going to have the next car they buy be an elec­tric vehi­cle, if you delay by two or three years the next time they’re going to buy a new car,” that will slow the tran­si­tion, she said.

Few­er elec­tric cars means less pow­er demand, which hurts the renew­ables out­look. But Jaffe said the pan­dem­ic could has­ten the economy’s elec­tri­fi­ca­tion in oth­er ways, includ­ing a long-term increase in remote work­ing, which would like­ly shift ener­gy demand away from oil-based trans­porta­tion needs, and toward res­i­den­tial use, which is more heav­i­ly electric.

Deng Hep­ing /​ VCG via Get­ty Images

In the big­ger pic­ture, what comes next depends on the virus, the econ­o­my, and the path gov­ern­ments decide to chart. With vast amounts of stim­u­lus mon­ey like­ly to be poured into economies around the world, clean pow­er advo­cates say it’s a his­toric oppor­tu­ni­ty to speed the growth of a sec­tor whose for­tunes are cen­tral to hopes of stem­ming cli­mate change. La Cam­era said the renew­able ener­gy sector’s big-pic­ture strengths, and its resilience through the cri­sis so far, make him hopeful.

My impres­sion is that we are going to have a future that will be more decar­bonized than we could have imag­ined three months ago,” he said. “And in the end, this health and eco­nom­ic cri­sis will push us to a clean­er path for­ward.” Risks in the oth­er direc­tion include not just direct gov­ern­ment sup­port to oil firms, but also reg­u­la­to­ry loos­en­ing like the Trump administration’s deci­sion to essen­tial­ly sus­pend enforce­ment of air and water pol­lu­tion rules, or to relax lim­its on mer­cury and oth­er tox­ic pow­er plant emis­sions. Such moves save the indus­try vast sums it would oth­er­wise have to spend reduc­ing pol­lu­tion, said Daniel Kam­men, pro­fes­sor of ener­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkeley.

Even with­out a push to help fos­sil fuel com­pa­nies, COVID-19 could bump cli­mate change down the list of lead­ers’ priorities.

For now, most gov­ern­ments are still focused on imme­di­ate response to the health and jobs cri­sis. Longer-term mea­sures will come next, and coun­tries includ­ing South Korea and New Zealand are already talk­ing about incor­po­rat­ing cli­mate action into recov­ery plans. The Euro­pean Union may com­bine parts of its Green Deal — a plan for trans­form­ing near­ly every sec­tor of its econ­o­my to cut car­bon and improve qual­i­ty of life — with efforts to repair the pandemic’s dam­age. In the U.S., the fate of any ambi­tious renew­ables plan depends large­ly on whether Pres­i­dent Trump is reelect­ed in November.

For the most part, coun­tries’ inter­est in green stim­u­lus plans aligns with their pre-coro­n­avirus stance on cli­mate action. “We think they are more like­ly in coun­tries where there was already broad-based sup­port,” such as Chi­na and much of Europe, Goldie-Scot said.

What might green recov­ery efforts entail? Giv­en clean power’s com­pet­i­tive­ness, com­pa­nies don’t real­ly need direct sub­si­dies any­more, experts say. They would ben­e­fit from upgrades that make pow­er grids smarter and more flex­i­ble, and there­fore bet­ter able to uti­lize renew­ables. Spend­ing to expand elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ing net­works is essen­tial, too, the ana­lysts say.

The U.S. and Chi­na both have year-end dead­lines when impor­tant tax and price incen­tives for renew­ables expire.

Access to cred­it will also be cru­cial, Bahar said. While it eas­i­ly com­petes with fos­sil fuels on cost, “the renew­ables indus­try just doesn’t have as deep pock­ets,” added Kammen.

Pol­i­cy changes mat­ter, as well. Nation­al, long-term car­bon-cut­ting com­mit­ments would pro­vide some cer­tain­ty in fright­en­ing times. In the short­er term, the U.S. and Chi­na both have year-end dead­lines when impor­tant tax and price incen­tives expire; extend­ing those would help projects delayed by the pan­dem­ic, ana­lysts say.

Green stim­u­lus advo­cates say cli­mate action is well-suit­ed to cre­at­ing jobs, and if done right can also help rem­e­dy the stark eco­nom­ic, social, and racial inequal­i­ties the virus has exposed so vivid­ly, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the U.S.

A shift to clean­er ener­gy promis­es health gains too. Many have tak­en note of the bet­ter air qual­i­ty lock­downs have brought, and Shreve said that could help peo­ple see the ben­e­fits of find­ing last­ing ways to reduce fos­sil fuel use.

The one bright spot in this crazy cri­sis is to have been able to walk out­side in places that have been noto­ri­ous for air pol­lu­tion, and see­ing clean skies, and hav­ing a dose of what could be,” he said.

Kam­men said he is hope­ful the pan­dem­ic would ulti­mate­ly speed the move to a clean­er economy.

Covid gives an oppor­tu­ni­ty for gov­ern­ments and com­pa­nies to make that switch more strong­ly,” said Kam­men. “I don’t think this is going to be an easy good­bye, but I would def­i­nite­ly say we’re in the long good­bye to fos­sil fuels.”


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