NEWS Global Transition Scoreboard Reporting of $6.22 Trillion Blows Past Mid-Mark of 2020 Goal


SAINT AUGUSTINE, Fla., Apr. 22 /​CSRwire/​ — Earth Day 2015 marks $6.22 tril­lion invest­ed in the glob­al green tran­si­tion since 2007.  This meets our Green Tran­si­tion Score­board® (GTS) goal of $10 tril­lion pri­vate­ly invest­ed in the green econ­o­my by 2020, eas­i­ly on track to reach the 2020 goal to effec­tive­ly scale inno­va­tions and reduce costs in green tech­nolo­gies as the world tran­si­tions to the Solar Age.

Appro­pri­ate­ly for Earth Day, the 2015 GTS report, Break­downs Dri­ving Break­throughs, focus­es on Life Sys­tems, a new cat­e­go­ry cap­tur­ing sys­tem-wide inter­con­nec­tions among effi­cien­cy, infor­ma­tion and dig­i­ti­za­tion, ener­gy, water, food, edu­ca­tion and health, which equals 14% of the over­all total.

The GTS tracks Renew­able Ener­gy, Ener­gy Effi­cien­cy, Life Sys­tems, Green Con­struc­tion and Cor­po­rate Green R&D, rep­re­sent­ing broad areas of invest­ment in green tech­nolo­gies.  Each sec­tor cov­ers an area of sub­stan­tial cap­i­tal invest­ment in tech­nolo­gies which Hazel Hen­der­son­’s years of research as a sci­ence advi­sor and which the Eth­i­cal Mar­kets Advi­so­ry Board exper­tise indi­cate are con­tin­u­ing to con­tribute to the grow­ing green economy.

The upward trend in invest­ments Eth­i­cal Mar­kets Media has report­ed since 2009 aligns with the strat­e­gy to invest at least 10% of insti­tu­tion­al port­fo­lios direct­ly in com­pa­nies dri­ving the glob­al Green Tran­si­tion, appro­pri­ate­ly updat­ing strate­gic asset allo­ca­tion mod­els both as oppor­tu­ni­ty and as risk mitigation.

The GTS def­i­n­i­tion of “green” strict­ly omits areas such as nuclear, clean coal, car­bon cap­ture and seques­tra­tion, and bio­fu­els from feed­stock oth­er than sea-grown algae.  The GTS close­ly assess nan­otech, genet­ic engi­neer­ing, arti­fi­cial life-forms and 3D print­ing on a case by case basis.

GTS data sources include, among many oth­ers, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, Reuters; new UN and oth­er inter­na­tion­al stud­ies; NASA and indi­vid­ual com­pa­ny reports.  Sources of finan­cial data are screened by rig­or­ous social, envi­ron­ment and eth­i­cal audit­ing stan­dards. Com­pa­nies in the GTS are tracked by index­es such as Calvert, Domi­ni and Pax World, the Pow­er­Shares Clean­tech Port­fo­lio, MSCI, Dow Jones Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Index­es, Lon­don’s FTSE4GOOD, NASDAQ OMX Green Econ­o­my Glob­al Bench­mark Index, ASPI Euro­zone, accord­ing to our Prin­ci­ples of Eth­i­cal Bio­mimicry Finance® and the many newslet­ters and stock reports from around the world we post dai­ly at www​.eth​i​cal​mar​kets​.com.

Hazel Hen­der­son, founder and pres­i­dent of Eth­i­cal Mar­kets, stat­ed, “this report overviews the many sys­tems now align­ing to finance the inclu­sive, knowl­edge-rich, green economies, the next stage in human evolution.”

Renew­able Ener­gy – Grow­ing strong­ly despite huge con­tin­ued sub­si­dies on fos­sil fuels and nuclear and scal­ing back on some projects.

Ener­gy Effi­cien­cy – Game-chang­ing rip­ple effects pos­i­tive­ly impact­ing jobs cre­ation, man­u­fac­tur­ing and oth­er met­rics tracked by tra­di­tion­al GDP.

Green Con­struc­tion – Expe­ri­enc­ing an inno­va­tion boom as green con­struc­tion stan­dards are adopt­ed worldwide.

Life Sys­tems –  Cov­ers broad areas of sus­tain­abil­i­ty that are sys­tem­i­cal­ly linked: nat­ur­al resources, agri­cul­ture, water, smart cities, green infra­struc­ture and the rapid dig­i­ti­za­tion “infos­truc­ture” under­pin­ning effi­cien­cy gains and qual­i­ty of life.

Cor­po­rate Green R&D – This sec­tor large­ly tracks the auto­mo­tive indus­try, R&D in elec­tric vehi­cles, bat­tery tech­nol­o­gy, new design as well as com­pa­ny inno­va­tion toward more sus­tain­able futures.

Daniel Kam­men, found­ing direc­tor of the Renew­able and Appro­pri­ate Ener­gy Lab­o­ra­to­ry, UC Berke­ley, says of the report, “rec­og­niz­ing mar­kets make ter­ri­ble mas­ters but poten­tial­ly invalu­able ser­vants, the Green Tran­si­tion Score­board® pro­vides a strong argu­ment that a diver­si­ty of prac­tices can be used in the pri­vate sec­tor to address press­ing social needs in a the frame­work of sus­tain­abil­i­ty.  It is vital to get this mes­sage in front of the pri­vate sec­tor and all those who work with com­mer­cial enter­pris­es in an era of envi­ron­men­tal and social change.”

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