NEWS The release of the Tesla Model X

Screen Shot 2015-09-30 at 9.11.02 AM

Sep­tem­ber 29, 20115


The very first cus­tomers who bought Tes­la’s new brand new SUV, will get to dri­ve them away Tues­day night.

The Tes­la Mod­el X is pricey, but right now, gas is not. Gas prices could be putting the future of elec­tric cars in danger.

Tes­la’s Mod­elX will be the tech­nol­o­gy motor com­pa­ny’s lux­u­ry SUV mod­el. With a price tag of more than $80,000 it’s not the best option for sav­ing a few dol­lars by avoid­ing gas pumps, espe­cial­ly since the price of gas has plum­met­ed over the last year.

It’s not only that Sau­di Ara­bia and the tra­di­tion­al oil coun­tries are flood­ing the mar­ket, we’re see­ing much more oil and gas being pumped in U.S. states in Cana­da. There is a glut of oil on the mar­ket because of new explo­ration tech­nolo­gies for fos­sil fuels,” said Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia Berke­ley pro­fes­sor Daniel Kammen.

Those falling gas prices might be hav­ing an effect on elec­tric car sales. This year, more than 72,000 plug-in vehi­cles, or EVs were sold, which is lag­ging behind last year’s sales by about 7,000 units.

But Kam­men at UC Berke­ley’s Gold­man School of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy says elec­tric cars will like­ly con­tin­ue to grow for a few reasons.

The price to go a mile in an elec­tric vehi­cle is about a third what it is to go, even with today’s gas prices, than to dri­ve a com­bus­tion vehi­cle,” Kam­men said.

He says Cal­i­for­nia is under a man­date to have a mil­lion EV’s on the roads by 2020. And there are lots of incen­tives for car com­pa­nies and poten­tial own­ers, includ­ing HOV stick­ers and rebates.

Chevro­let is re-launch­ing the Volt with a stick­er price that’s sig­nif­i­cant­ly less than a Tesla.

The 2015 Volt starts at $33,995 and that’s before a Fed­er­al Tax Cred­it of $7,500 and in Cal­i­for­nia you can also apply for a $1,500 clean vehi­cle rebate,” said Gen­er­al Motors prod­uct spe­cial­ists Darin Jesse.

It’s not clear how much longer gas prices will con­tin­ue to drop, but in the mean­time car com­pa­nies are hop­ing buy­ers will pay atten­tion to these EV options.

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