NEWS Watch the talks from the Cal Future Forum

Cal Future Forum: Our Chang­ing World

Responding to the global impacts of human activity

Watch videos filmed at the live event.

More than ever, Cal­i­for­nia needs to play a proac­tive role in under­stand­ing our glob­al impact and in find­ing solu­tions to ensure a vibrant future. In fact, we lead the nation —and the world — in devel­op­ing a clean-ener­gy econ­o­my, ame­lio­rat­ing the effects of glob­al change, and pro­mot­ing green busi­ness­es for the future.

UC Berke­ley and the Berke­ley Lab have long been lead­ers in the research need­ed to under­stand and respond effec­tive­ly to human­i­ty’s glob­al envi­ron­men­tal impact, from devel­op­ing ener­gy effi­cien­cy stan­dards that are now used around the world, devel­op­ing tech­nolo­gies for mak­ing our cities more resilient to droughts and floods, con­vert­ing sun­light into mod­ern fuels, assess­ing the impact of the sixth mass extinc­tion, to fore­cast­ing future change.  This mis­sion has nev­er been more urgent.

To high­light the lat­est research find­ings emerg­ing from UC Berke­ley and the Berke­ley Lab, we present Cal Future Forum: Our Chang­ing World, an unusu­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn direct­ly from lead­ing researchers who are devel­op­ing solu­tions to the envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges we face.

In May 2017 over a dozen promi­nent Berke­ley researchers pro­vid­ed a syn­op­sis of the state of the plan­et, a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the chal­lenges we face, and the solu­tions being devel­oped at Berke­ley – and being imple­ment­ed glob­al­ly. This rare gath­er­ing of lead­ing Berke­ley sci­en­tists, engi­neers, schol­ars and pol­i­cy experts was mod­er­at­ed by promi­nent radio host, Michael Krasny.

Please vis­it this page for access to all of the talks. 

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