PublicationConference Proceedings Defeating energy poverty: A call to invest in scalable, solutions to energy access for the poor

November 2, 2017
  • Defeating energy poverty: A call to invest in scalable, solutions to energy access for the poor
  • Overview:
  • Energy poverty, is arguably the most pervasive and crippling threat society faces today. Lack of access impacts several billion people, with immediate health, educational, economic, and social damages. Furthermore, how this problem is addressed will result in the largest accelerant of global pollution, or the largest opportunity to pivot away from fossil-fuels onto the needed clean energy path. In a clear example of the power of systems thinking, energy poverty and climate change together present a dual crisis of energy injustice along gender, ethnic, and socioeconomic grounds, which has been exacerbated if not caused outright by a failure of the wealthy to see how tightly coupled is our collective global fate if addressing climate change fairly and inclusively does not become an immediate, actionable, priority.

  • While debate exists on the optimal path or paths to wean our economy from fossil fuels, there is no question that technically we have today a sufficient knowledge and technological foundation to launch and to even complete the decarbonisation (IPCC, 2011). Critically needed is an equally powerful social narrative to accelerate the clean energy transition. Laudato Si’ provides a compelling formulation of the injustice that is both greed and pollution, but an ongoing outreach and partnership effort is needed to truly leverage its powerful message.

  • In this essay we present examples across scales of the evolving knowledge base needed to build universal clean energy access. This leads to a formulation of an action agenda to defeat energy poverty and energy injustice.
Publication Type:
Conference Proceedings


Ener­gy pover­ty, is arguably the most per­va­sive and crip­pling threat soci­ety faces today. Lack of access impacts sev­er­al bil­lion peo­ple, with imme­di­ate health, edu­ca­tion­al, eco­nom­ic, and social dam­ages.  Fur­ther­more, how this prob­lem is addressed will result in the largest accel­er­ant of glob­al pol­lu­tion, or the largest oppor­tu­ni­ty to piv­ot away from fos­sil-fuels onto the need­ed clean ener­gy path.  In a clear exam­ple of the pow­er of sys­tems think­ing, ener­gy pover­ty and cli­mate change togeth­er present a dual cri­sis of ener­gy injus­tice along gen­der, eth­nic, and socioe­co­nom­ic grounds, which has been exac­er­bat­ed if not caused out­right by a fail­ure of the wealthy to see how tight­ly cou­pled is our col­lec­tive glob­al fate if address­ing cli­mate change fair­ly and inclu­sive­ly does not become an imme­di­ate, action­able, priority.


While debate exists on the opti­mal path or paths to wean our econ­o­my from fos­sil fuels, there is no ques­tion that tech­ni­cal­ly we have today a suf­fi­cient knowl­edge and tech­no­log­i­cal foun­da­tion to launch and to even com­plete the decar­bon­i­sa­tion (IPCC, 2011). Crit­i­cal­ly need­ed is an equal­ly pow­er­ful social nar­ra­tive to accel­er­ate the clean ener­gy tran­si­tion.  Lauda­to Si’ pro­vides a com­pelling for­mu­la­tion of the injus­tice that is both greed and pol­lu­tion, but an ongo­ing out­reach and part­ner­ship effort is need­ed to tru­ly lever­age its pow­er­ful message.


In this essay we present exam­ples across scales of the evolv­ing knowl­edge base need­ed to build uni­ver­sal clean ener­gy access.  This leads to a for­mu­la­tion of an action agen­da to defeat ener­gy pover­ty and ener­gy injustice.

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