NEWS Does City Hall Care If You Die?

The jury’s still out, but the evi­dence is in.

Diego Aguilar-Can­a­bal, Edi­tor in Chief, The Bay City Beacon

For the orig­i­nal arti­cle, click here.

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Peo­ple are dying on the streets of San Fran­cis­co: in tents, on cross­walks, and on bikes. While not alike in cir­cum­stance nor cause, these tragedies share one sim­i­lar­i­ty: they are entire­ly pre­ventable deaths, with com­ple­men­tary poli­cies avail­able to pre­vent them. Quite sim­ply, they involve less hor­i­zon­tal space for cars, and more ver­ti­cal space for homes. San Francisco’s Board of Super­vi­sors doesn’t seem to care.

Peo­ple are dying in Mozam­bique and Malawi. Entire cities drowned in the floods from a his­toric cyclone. The polar ice caps are melt­ing and the oceans are warm­ing at unprece­dent­ed rates. Cli­mate change is an impend­ing geopo­lit­i­cal and eco­log­i­cal cat­a­stro­phe. This, again, is entire­ly pre­ventable: a nec­es­sary but insuf­fi­cient com­po­nent of that involves few­er cars and more homes in San Fran­cis­co and oth­er urban cen­ters in coastal Cal­i­for­nia. Cities around the world need to dras­ti­cal­ly cut down on their car­bon foot­prints. But City Hall doesn’t seem to care.

Words and Deeds

The San Fran­cis­co Board of Super­vi­sors recent­ly declared a Cli­mate Emer­gency, and passed leg­is­la­tion reau­tho­riz­ing an ongo­ing Shel­ter Cri­sis. But they con­tin­ue to oppose poli­cies that would reduce sub­si­dized space for pri­vate car trav­el (a cor­po­rate give­away if there ever was one), and add more space for hous­ing. They do not seem to care that their fel­low human beings are dying and will con­tin­ue to die.

San Fran­cis­co is sup­posed to be a Tran­sit First City. Such a pol­i­cy has been on the books since the 1970s. Yet as recent­ly as last year, Super­vi­sors Ahsha Safaí and Aaron Peskin sought to restruc­ture the city’s trans­porta­tion bureau­cra­cy to seize con­trol over their park­ing and car traf­fic reg­u­la­tions. Super­vi­sor Few­er has vocal­ly opposed con­ges­tion pric­ing for sin­gle-occu­pan­cy vehi­cles and has been crit­i­cal of Geary’s Bus Rapid Tran­sit project—because evi­dent­ly, the pri­vate takeover of pub­lic street space is fine if done by per­son­al auto­mo­biles, but not by char­ter bus­es. The Board gen­er­al­ly has been slow to take action on traf­fic safe­ty, but quick to grand­stand against fac­tion­al rivals in both pub­lic and pri­vate sectors.

More damn­ing­ly, a super­ma­jor­i­ty of the Board passed a res­o­lu­tion oppos­ing State Sen. Scott Wiener’s Sen­ate Bill 50, the most impor­tant state pol­i­cy at the nexus of hous­ing, trans­porta­tion, and cli­mate change.

The bill needs lit­tle intro­duc­tion if you have fol­lowed Cal­i­for­nia news late­ly. If passed, SB 50 would man­date high­er den­si­ties around pub­lic tran­sit, as well as high-per­form­ing schools and job cen­ters, while exempt­ing ten­ant-occu­pied hous­ing (includ­ing sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes), requir­ing a min­i­mum pro­vi­sion of afford­able hous­ing statewide, and defer­ring its imple­men­ta­tion in low-income com­mu­ni­ties left vul­ner­a­ble after decades of dis­in­vest­ment and racial seg­re­ga­tion. (Now take a deep breath.)

If you were to believe Super­vi­sor Gor­don Mar’s res­o­lu­tion oppos­ing the bill, one might have the impres­sion that the bill aims to throw renters to the wolves, replace frag­ile com­mu­ni­ties of once-afford­able walk-up flats with tow­er­ing infer­nos of five-sto­ry sky­scrap­ers, and remake the City into a mere exten­sion of Palo Alto and the Stan­ford cam­pus. This doesn’t explain why afflu­ent cities like Sun­ny­vale and Bev­er­ly Hills were among the first to oppose it.

We should increase den­si­ty, espe­cial­ly near tran­sit, and we should update our zon­ing to allow this,” Super­vi­sor Few­er said dur­ing the resolution’s Land Use Com­mit­tee hear­ing. “The ques­tion isn’t whether we should build more hous­ing or not—we must. It’s about what we build, how and for whom.” But so far, Few­er has made no pro­pos­als of the sort she said the City “should” pur­sue on density.

Their objec­tions to SB 50 rest not only on a litany of oft-debunked false­hoods, but they are under­mined by their utter silence on the state legislature’s many earnest efforts to pro­tect vul­ner­a­ble ten­ants and pro­vide more sub­si­dized afford­able hous­ing.

While some Super­vi­sors such as Mar have made gen­er­al­ly reac­tive ges­tures against local tech indus­try wealth, the Super­vi­sors have oth­er­wise been silent on state efforts to redis­trib­ute wealth. They appear to care more about con­tin­u­ing a par­ti­san piss­ing match against the authors of SB 50 than sup­port­ing those same leg­is­la­tors’ efforts to enact pro­gres­sive tax reform and fund afford­able hous­ing. Wiener him­self has intro­duced an estate tax bill to coun­ter­act GOP-led regres­sive cuts in the fed­er­al tax code, while SB 50 coau­thors Sen. Nan­cy Skin­ner (D‑Berkeley) and Asm. Buffy Wicks (D‑Oakland) have intro­duced a cor­po­rate tax hike for the same rea­son. Mean­while, San Fran­cis­co assem­bly mem­bers and SB 50 coau­thor Phil Ting has intro­duced a bill requir­ing local inven­to­ries of sur­plus pub­lic land to pri­or­i­tize for afford­able hous­ing. Not a peep from the Super­vi­sors about these bills.

San Fran­cis­co was one of the only two coun­ties to nar­row­ly approve the Novem­ber 2018 rent con­trol reform mea­sure, Propo­si­tion 10. While Assem­bly Bill 36 presents a polit­i­cal­ly risky new effort to reform the state’s rent con­trol pro­hi­bi­tion, where are the Super­vi­sors with their res­o­lu­tion to sup­port it? Per­haps they are just too busy oppos­ing SB 50. AB 1482, from San Francisco’s oth­er Assem­bly­mem­ber David Chiu, could estab­lish statewide emer­gency rent caps. Where is the Board’s res­o­lu­tion to sup­port this bill? Or how about Asm. Rob Bonta’s AB 1481 to estab­lish statewide just-cause evic­tion pro­tec­tions? Evi­dent­ly, oppos­ing SB 50 is more important.

These oth­er bills would lim­it the legal pow­er of land­lords such as Few­er and Mar, while SB 50 could sharply reduce their mar­ket pow­er. Their silence on the for­mer, and their disin­gen­u­ous grand­stand­ing against the lat­ter, is consistent.

The Board resolution’s half-truths and mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions of the bill have been debunkedat length by the Sen­a­tor and oth­ers. The truth doesn’t seem to be the Super­vi­sors’ chief con­cern, though. It is impor­tant to note their hints at a deep­er moti­va­tion: decid­ing who gets to live in San Fran­cis­co, and exer­cis­ing the pow­er to hand-pick their constituents.

Con­cern for Whom?

Local con­trol over land use means that incum­bents get to choose “for whom” the City opens its gates—and the his­tor­i­cal record quite plain­ly shows that these choic­es are sel­dom, if ever, equi­table. Here’s a refresh­er on a recent quan­ti­ta­tive study by UC Merced polit­i­cal sci­en­tist Jes­si­ca Troun­stine, which we have cit­ed before:

The gen­er­al mes­sage com­ing from Super­vi­sors is as sim­ple as it is false: San Fran­cis­co is doing enough. Leave us alone.

Well, is it? Accord­ing to the City’s Depart­ment of the Envi­ron­ment, San Fran­cis­co has slow­ly seen a 36% reduc­tion in net emis­sions since 1990. Mean­while, trans­porta­tion accounts for the lion’s share of those emis­sions (45% at lat­est count), though this appears to grad­u­al­ly be decreas­ing. But these num­bers are deceptive.

When I tried to com­pile a region-wide analy­sis of trans­porta­tion emis­sions from the nine-coun­ty Bay Area, I ran into an insur­mount­able hur­dle: the method­ol­o­gy had changed quite dras­ti­cal­ly around 2012. Rather than mere­ly count­ing trips at their point of ori­gin, the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Trans­porta­tion Com­mis­sion (MTC) and Bay Area Air Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Dis­trict (BAAQMD) devel­oped a sim­u­la­tion of typ­i­cal trips based on “trav­el analy­sis zones.” While ana­lysts believe this data may be more robust, it ren­ders pre-2012 com­par­isons to the present day essen­tial­ly useless.

And an impor­tant caveat: “Our sim­u­la­tion mod­el explic­it­ly assumes that every work­er liv­ing in the nine-coun­ty Bay Area also works in the nine-coun­ty Bay Area. This is, of course, not always true,” says the agency. Well, no shit.

San Fran­cis­co politi­cians some­times speak as though every dis­trict in the City were equiv­a­lent to the vul­ner­a­ble work­ing-class of the Mis­sion Dis­trict cir­ca 1990, or East Oak­land and Valle­jo today, where many for­mer San Fran­cis­cans have since had to move. The gen­uine con­cern over mar­ket volatil­i­ty upend­ing mar­gin­al­ized com­mu­ni­ties is actu­al­ly reflect­ed in Wiener’s bill: many such cen­sus tracts with con­cen­trat­ed pover­ty and minor­i­ty res­i­dents are those that Sen­ate Bill 50 will tem­porar­i­ly exempt as “com­mu­ni­ties of con­cern.” But in terms of hav­ing afflu­ent, expen­sive neigh­bor­hoods that com­pel longer com­mutes, the City as a whole has lit­tle in com­mon with them. In this respect, San Fran­cis­co bears more resem­blance to Marin Coun­ty, a noto­ri­ous vio­la­tor of the Fair Hous­ing Act.

By import­ing their work­forces, Marin and San Fran­cis­co out­source their trans­porta­tion emis­sions. A 2011 report by the Non-Prof­it Hous­ing Asso­ci­a­tion of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia (NPH), a co-spon­sor of SB50, out­lined the cli­mate and social equi­ty impacts of Marin’s work­force and hous­ing dis­par­i­ties. Accord­ing to the Cal­i­for­nia Employ­ment Devel­op­ment Depart­ment and data from the Amer­i­can Com­mu­ni­ty Sur­vey (ACS), over a third of Marin’s work­ers com­mut­ed from out­side the coun­ty. But in the lat­est cen­sus, San Fran­cis­co led the nation in work­ers com­mut­ing from oth­er counties.

San Francisco’s lead­ers don’t seem inter­est­ed in revers­ing this calami­ty. Its recent approval of the Cen­tral SoMa plan, which plans space for over 3 new jobs for every new hous­ing unit, sug­gests that City Hall is unan­i­mous­ly eager to see boom­ing job growth con­tin­ue apace. But reject­ing state reforms to plan for those work­ers to be housed nearby—some of whom indeed will earn six-fig­ure salaries and earn the ire of low­er-income work­ers strug­gling to stay in their homes—is just plan­ning for accel­er­at­ing displacement.

Non­prof­it afford­able hous­ing devel­op­ers don’t build mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar detached bungalows—they build apart­ment build­ings with units num­ber­ing in the dou­ble dig­its, which are pro­hib­it­ed under cur­rent zon­ing in near­ly three quar­ters of the City. Notably, though Super­vi­sor Few­er has called for more afford­able hous­ing to be built, her Dis­trict has not been rezoned for the den­si­ties that make it possible.

One would think that elect­ed offi­cials con­cerned about dis­place­ment would be rush­ing to add more hous­ing to bal­ance out the job growth they approved. Instead, Super­vi­sor Matt Haney brave­ly stood up for abun­dant sun­shine, lead­ing a unan­i­mous vote in reject­ing a hous­ing devel­op­ment on Fol­som Street with 25% Below Mar­ket Rate homes, because it would cast shade on 18% of the area of a near­by park, for 100 min­utes in the after­noon, dur­ing the longest day of the year. Haney cam­paigned on fight­ing for afford­able hous­ing, not against shadows—and if cli­mate change con­tin­ues apace, his future con­stituents may wish he had approved some cool­ing shade.

Under the sta­tus quo favored by the Super­vi­sors’ major­i­ty bloc, jobs will keep com­ing, work­ers will be forced to move out and dri­ve from far­ther away, and no afford­able hous­ing will be built in their tony sub­ur­ban neigh­bor­hoods to bal­ance that out. It’s a trans­par­ent sham that the main­stream press and alt-week­lies alike are call­ing out—but will that make the Super­vi­sors care?

Growth is Good, Actually!

Some local Pro­gres­sive-brand­ed thinkers have inti­mat­ed to me that the hous­ing short­age and cli­mate cri­sis is inher­ent­ly a cri­sis of cap­i­tal­ism itself: that growth nec­es­sar­i­ly brings inequal­i­ty and destruc­tion. This of course ignores the expe­ri­ence of our most recent reces­sions, in which all but the wealth­i­est suf­fered the most.

It is true that Amer­i­can cities have been strained under peri­ods of pros­per­i­ty, and emis­sions have increased as pro­duc­tion increas­es. But a city’s emis­sions come from its res­i­dents, and peo­ple make indi­vid­ual choic­es with­in their society—they gen­er­ate emis­sions per capi­ta that are increas­ing­ly a func­tion of their depen­dence on the auto­mo­bile. The lat­est report from the Cal­i­for­nia Air Resources Board (CARB) notes that the bulk of our car trips won’t switch to car­bon-free elec­tric vehi­cles soon enough; we will need to reduce car trips by 25% meet the state’s emis­sion reduc­tion goals. Few­er car com­mutes, how­ev­er, does not mean few­er workers.

When a job is lost, the cor­re­spond­ing human being does not dis­ap­pear. They con­tin­ue to look for work and con­sume, though per­haps they will move to a more afford­able part of the coun­try with a much larg­er car­bon foot­print, such as Texas or Ari­zona. Cal­i­for­nia los­es a tax­pay­er, San Fran­cis­co los­es rev­enue to pay its pen­sion­ers and ser­vice providers, but the plan­et does not lose a con­sumer of resources. So lim­it­ing job growth to achieve sus­tain­abil­i­ty, as pro­po­nents of the 1980’s Prop M office cap would hold today, is not a real choice we have now.

San Fran­cis­co has seen major eco­nom­ic growth along with both net and per capi­ta emis­sions declin­ing since 1990—but in the trans­porta­tion sec­tor, it is lag­ging sig­nif­i­cant­ly, as is the rest of the state. Urban infill and tran­sit-ori­ent­ed devel­op­ment is the most envi­ron­men­tal­ly sus­tain­able way for California’s econ­o­my to grow—not the inequitable, sprawl­ing growth that has been the norm for too long.

To under­stand this com­plex issue, we turn to UC Berke­ley cli­mate sci­en­tist Dan Kammen’s work. Crit­i­cal­ly, Jones, Wheel­er & Kam­men et al (2018) found that emis­sions reduc­tions were greater when urban infill devel­op­ment was con­cen­trat­ed with­in pock­ets of high­er house­hold income. In oth­er words, pack­ing rich peo­ple clos­er togeth­er reduces GHG out­put three times more than sim­ply adding den­si­ty wher­ev­er it is possible.

Infill devel­op­ment is a more potent emis­sions reduc­tion strat­e­gy in rich neigh­bor­hoods, the authors argue, such as“most of San Fran­cis­co, and the wealthy hill­side of the East Bay.” Why? “While these neigh­bor­hoods have high­er than aver­age car­bon foot­prints, they have low­er than aver­age car­bon foot­prints for their income lev­el. Low car­bon foot­print cities that make hous­ing avail­able at all income lev­els help share the bur­den of meet­ing hous­ing demand, while less­en­ing the impact on the cli­mate across the population.”

This should come as no sur­prise. Rich peo­ple con­sume more, and can afford the pover­ty trap of car own­er­ship more eas­i­ly. When they don’t dri­ve, their emis­sions fall more steeply. Already, San Fran­cis­co work­ers dri­ve alone at a rate less than half of the nation­al aver­age. And fur­ther, research from UC Berkeley’s Tern­er Cen­ter and Urban Dis­place­ment Project has pre­dict­ed that SB 50 will focus more mar­ket-rate hous­ing pro­duc­tion pre­cise­ly in the afflu­ent, high-oppor­tu­ni­ty neigh­bor­hoods that exclude it today.

But does this mean our cli­mate solu­tions should exclude the poor from our boom­ing cities? Of course not.

Take the recent research on Seat­tle by soci­ol­o­gists Rice et al (2019), which found that gen­tri­fi­ca­tion in Seat­tle result­ing from Amazon’s infu­sion of high-pay­ing tech jobs dis­placed low­er-income res­i­dents with small­er foot­prints out to far-flung sub­urbs. This describes the sta­tus quo in many Amer­i­can cities, not the Smart Growth pol­i­cy sug­gest­ed by SB 50 and its pro­po­nents. As the authors not­ed: “In so far as den­si­fi­ca­tion paired with cli­mate pol­i­cy remains lim­it­ed to parts of cities only, rather than the urban fab­ric as a whole, evi­dence strong­ly sug­gests that gen­tri­fi­ca­tion seri­ous­ly under­mines GHG reduc­tion efforts.”

The goal of smart hous­ing pol­i­cy and evi­dence-based cli­mate solu­tions should be to increase res­i­den­tial capac­i­ty in low-car­bon urban cores, not a zero-sum, one-to-one replace­ment that out­sources pover­ty to sub­urbs that lack a strong com­mer­cial tax base to sup­port its safe­ty net.

It should come as no sur­prise that Kammen’s research on hun­dreds of Cal­i­for­nia munic­i­pal­i­ties pre­dicts sig­nif­i­cant emis­sions reduc­tions from urban infill devel­op­ment in places like San Fran­cis­co. This is not the case in more rur­al and sub­ur­ban coun­ties like Stanis­laus Coun­ty, where car­bon-inten­sive sprawl absorbs dis­placed urban growth.

SB 50 presents a rad­i­cal depar­ture from the sta­tus quo in enabling Cal­i­for­nia cities to grow more equi­tably and sus­tain­ably. It would expand afford­able hous­ing require­ments to many cities in Cal­i­for­nia that cur­rent­ly don’t have them. It explic­it­ly pro­hibits the demo­li­tion and rede­vel­op­ment of ten­ant-occu­pied hous­ing and recent­ly Ellis-evict­ed prop­er­ties (some­thing a statewide rental reg­istry could help enforce), and it tar­gets high-oppor­tu­ni­ty sub­urbs that have seen major job growth, but cur­rent­ly lack good tran­sit, to dis­cour­age car traffic.

Again, while Super­vi­sor Few­er insist­ed that she want­ed to see more per­ma­nent­ly afford­able non­prof­it hous­ing in her dis­trict, she has made no effort to rezone Dis­trict 1 to allow for the den­si­ties at which it can be built. Indeed, in most of the city, it is still ille­gal to build even the low-rise apart­ment build­ings that pen­cil out for non­prof­its, and SB 50 can change that. It is exact­ly the kind of pol­i­cy the world’s top cli­mate sci­en­tists and gen­tri­fi­ca­tion crit­ics should be lin­ing up to support—which is why Kam­men co-authored an op-ed in the New York Times with Sen. Wiener to sup­port it.

The evi­dence is con­sis­tent on avert­ing cli­mate dis­as­ter, and on elim­i­nat­ing traf­fic deaths: peo­ple need to dri­ve less, and dri­ve slow­er. Mean­while, the City has had data on its High-Injury Net­work of dead­ly streets for years, and has well-doc­u­ment­ed num­bers on car com­mutes com­pris­ing the lion’s share of its emis­sions. Giv­en that it seems to take gris­ly, well-pub­li­cized cyclist deaths to impel the polit­i­cal action for pro­tect­ed bike lanes, what will it take to tru­ly make San Fran­cis­co a car-last, Tran­sit First city? Will City Hall wait until the Fer­ry Build­ing is under­wa­ter before act­ing with any urgency to take some unpop­u­lar deci­sions? What will it take to replace on-street park­ing spots with bus lanes, or block some sun­shine new apart­ments in west­ern neighborhoods?

In light of all this evi­dence, San Fran­cis­co con­stituents should all have one ques­tion on their mind: do your Super­vi­sors care? We should all be furi­ous that so much evi­dence sug­gests they do not—and what­ev­er hap­pens after that, is called politics.


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