Archive of Topic: local knowledge

Spotlight Kampala: Illuminating Energy Inequities in Informal Urban Communities

Spot­light Kam­pala is a mul­ti-insti­tu­tion­al research col­lab­o­ra­tion of uni­ver­si­ties and com­mu­ni­ty advo­cates that aims to shed light on the inequities faced by infor­mal urban com­mu­ni­ties in access­ing and uti­liz­ing elec­tric­i­ty. Our data pro­vides impor­tant base­line sta­tis­tics on met­rics of access like access rates, afford­abil­i­ty, sup­ply reli­a­bil­i­ty and qual­i­ty as well as an under­stand­ing of how com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers per­ceive and nav­i­gate bar­ri­ers to access. We aim not only to pro­vide sum­ma­ry sta­tis­tics, but to ground these learn­ings in the dai­ly lived expe­ri­ence of Kampala’s infor­mal res­i­dents. Com­mu­ni­ty par­tic­i­pa­tion is a core objec­tive of the work, with com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers involved in each step of research design, exe­cu­tion, and dis­sem­i­na­tion. The project also focus­es heav­i­ly on work­ing close­ly with local stake­hold­ers like the Gov­ern­ment of Ugan­da’s Min­istry of Ener­gy and Min­er­al Devel­op­ment, the util­i­ty Umeme Lim­it­ed, and com­mu­ni­ty-based orga­ni­za­tion like ACTo­geth­er Ugan­da and the Nation­al Slum Dwellers Fed­er­a­tion of Uganda.

For more infor­ma­tion and con­tact with the project team, vis­it the Spot­light Kam­pala web­site.

Sam Miles

Sam Miles is a Ph.D. stu­dent in the Ener­gy and Resources Group, and in the Renew­able and Appro­pri­ate Ener­gy Lab at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkeley.

His research focus is at the inter­sec­tion of the scal­a­bil­i­ty chal­lenge for elec­tric­i­ty mini-grids and the socio-eco­nom­ic char­ac­ter­is­tics of urban­iza­tion in Africa, par­tic­u­lar­ly for the arti­sans and entre­pre­neurs who con­sti­tute the ‘pro­duc­tive’ users of such ener­gy sys­tems. He will engage with these ques­tions as an INFEWS (Inno­va­tions at the Nexus of Food, Ener­gy, and Water Sys­tems) NSF scholar.

Pre­vi­ous to life at ERG, Sam worked as a free­lance writer cov­er­ing tech­nol­o­gy in emerg­ing mar­kets, an edu­ca­tor at the African Lead­er­ship Uni­ver­si­ty in Mau­ri­tius, and as an inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment con­sul­tant based in West Africa. He holds an MA in Inter­na­tion­al Ener­gy from Sci­ences Po — Paris and a BA in Ethics, Pol­i­tics, and Eco­nom­ics from Yale.

Raghavan, Shuba

Shu­ba is the co-direc­tor of the Cal­i­for­nia Ener­gy Com­mis­sion spon­sored project

” Engag­ing Com­mu­ni­ties in the Design of  Sus­tain­able Ener­gy and Local­ized Futures  (SELF)”

Among her many pub­li­ca­tions are a num­ber that address­es the ener­gy-access-afford­abil­i­ty-cli­mate nexus, including:

  1. The Cal­i­for­nia Demand Response: Poten­tial Study, Phase 3; Bri­an F.Gerke,Giulia Gallo,Sarah J. Smith, Jingjing Liu, Peter Alstone, Shu­ba V. Ragha­van, Peter Schwartz, Mary Ann Piette, Rongx­in Yin and Sofia Stensson. 
  2. Trans­lat­ing cli­mate change and heat­ing sys­tem elec­tri­fi­ca­tion impacts on build­ing ener­gy use to future green­house gas emis­sions and elec­tric grid capac­i­ty require­ments in Cal­i­for­nia; Bri­an Tar­ro­ja, Feli­cia Chi­ang, Amir AghaK­ouchak, Scott Samuelsen, Shu­ba V. Ragha­van, Max Wei, Kaiyu Sunand Tianzhen Hong, Applied Ener­gy, 2018, vol. 225, issue C, 522–534
  3. Build­ing a Health­i­er and More Robust Future: 2050 Low-Car­bon Ener­gy Sce­nar­ios for Cal­i­for­nia. Cal­i­for­nia Ener­gy Com­mis­sion. Pri­ma­ry Authors: Max Wei, Shu­ba Ragha­van, Patri­cia Hidal­go-Gon­za­lez, Con­tribut­ing Authors: Rodri­go Hen­riquez Auba, Dev Mill­stein, Madi­son Hof­fack­er, Rebec­ca Her­nan­dez, Eleonara Ruffi­ni, Bri­an Tar­ro­ja, Amir Agha Kouchak, Josi­ah John­ston, Daniel Kam­men, Julia Szi­nai, Col­in Shep­ard, Anand Gopal, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, and Florin-Langer James. Pub­li­ca­tion Num­ber: CEC-500‑2019-033; March 2019
  4. Path­ways to Decar­bonize Res­i­den­tial Water Heat­ing in Cal­i­for­nia, Shu­ba V Ragha­van, Max Wei, Daniel Kam­men, Ener­gy Pol­i­cy 109 (2017) 441–451
  5. Adop­tion of Solar Home Light­ing Sys­tems in India: What might we learn from Kar­nata­ka? Har­ish, Iychet­ti­ra, Ragha­van, Kan­d­likar, Ener­gy Pol­i­cy, Vol 62, Novem­ber 2013, pp ‑697–706.
  6. Assess­ing the impact of the tran­si­tion to Light Emit­ting Diodes based solar light­ing sys­tems in India, San­tosh Har­ish, Shu­ba V Ragha­van, Milind Kan­d­likar, Gireesh Shri­mali, Ener­gy for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment, Vol­ume 17, Issue 4, August 2013, pp. 363–370.

Actualizing the Encyclical Laudato Si

RAEL has part­nered with both the Pon­tif­i­cal Acad­e­my of Sci­ences and a num­ber of oth­er groups world­wide that are engag­ing the Vat­i­can and inter­est­ed part­ners to uti­lize the dia­log around The Encycli­cal to pro­mote equi­ty, sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and cli­mate protection.

Events in this ini­tia­tive include:

RAEL and Vat­i­can pub­li­ca­tions such as:

Novem­ber 2, 2016 roundtable:

Actu­al­iz­ing the Vision of Lauda­to Si’: On Care for Our Com­mon Home

Kam­men, D. M., Alstone, P. and Ger­shen­son, D. (2014) “Ener­gy for sus­tain­able and equi­table devel­op­ment,” Sus­tain­able Human­i­ty, Sus­tain­able Nature: Our Respon­si­bil­i­ty, Pon­tif­i­cal Acad­e­my of Sci­ences, Extra Series 41, Vat­i­can City 2014 Pon­tif­i­cal Acad­e­my of Social Sci­ences, Acta 20, Vat­i­can City 2014


Cli­mate Change, Con­sumerism, and the Pope

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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