Rutgers Energy Institute


The annual energy symposia by the Rutgers Energy Institute provide faculty, students, staff, government officials, and community members with the opportunity to learn about the new methods, processes, and initiatives being developed by energy thinkers at Rutgers, in New Jersey, and across the country.


Sally Benson, Director, Global Climate and Energy Project and Co-Director, Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University

Daniel Kammen, Distinguished Professor, Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley

Klaus Lackner, Director, The Center for Negative Carbon Emissions, Arizona State University

Kenneth G. Miller, Distinguished Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University


Beyond Greening the Blue Helmets: Renewable Energy Transitions for Peacebuilding in Conflict Settings

Room S-2723 United Nations, New York City, NY, United States

Beyond Greening the Blue Helmets:
Renewable Energy Transitions for Peacebuilding in Conflict Settings
Wednesday, 31 May, 13:30 - 15:30pm, Room S-2723, UNHQ, New York
Malakal IDP Camp, South Sudan
There is a striking overlap among the regions at greatest risk of conflict, those most vulnerable to climate change, and high levels of energy poverty – primarily in Africa, the Middle East and Southern Asia. Renewable energy represents an under-utilized entry point. Yet conflict-affected settings are characterized by unique challenges, and the renewable energy revolution that is transforming much of the world risks bypassing the conflict-prone states that stand the most to gain. The potential for renewable energy to deliver multiple economic, social, environmental and peace benefits in conflict settings remains largely untapped.
You are invited to join a presentation on the potential for renewable energy in conflict and crisis settings, by the leadership team from the Program on Conflict, Climate Change and Green Development, a program of the Renewable Energy and Appropriate Laboratory (RAEL) at the University of California, Berkeley.
The Program aims to promote the use of renewable energy as a tool for peace building and conflict resolution and has developed different models through which to deliver “energy-peace benefits” including:
 A humanitarian sector-wide transition from diesel to solar power in South Sudan, which could deliver humanitarian cost savings while building long-lasting energy assets and future building blocks for peace;
 Integrating renewable energy into peace building and conflict prevention programming, including as part of a peace dividend strategy in South Sudan and Myanmar; and
 The launching of a new market-based financing mechanism - the Peace Renewable Energy Credit – designed to support renewable energy investment and deployment in conflict and crisis risk settings.

The presentation and ensuing discussion will explore the following questions:
 How can a broader rethinking of the role of energy be integrated into the United Nations peace agenda?

 How can strategic decisions involving energy advance UN mission mandates?
 Are Member States open to meeting peacebuilding and climate change commitments in crisis settings?

The Program on Conflict, Climate Change and Green Development team: Professor Daniel M. Kammen, Director, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL), University of California, Berkeley; Dave Mozersky, Program Director; Sherwin Das, Senior Fellow; Dave Williams, Senior Fellow

More info on RAEL and the Program can be found at and


RAEL Lunch Speaker: Prof Iain MacGill

Energy and Resurces Group Reading Room 310 Barrows Hall, Berkeley

The Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM) at the University of New South Wales undertakes interdisciplinary research in the design, analysis and performance of energy and environmental markets and their associated policy frameworks.

CEEM brings together UNSW researchers from the UNSW Business School (was the Australian School of Business), the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Institute of Environmental Studies, and the Faculty of Law, working alongside a growing number of international partners.


September 6, 2017 — RAEL Lunch — Anne-Perrine Avrin, “Vehicle Electrification in China Can Play a Critical and Cost-Effective Role in Capping Urban Transport CO2 Emissions in 2030 and Beyond”

310 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

We review passenger car deployment trends in China until 2050, which are used to develop a model to explore deployment scenarios for New Energy Vehicles (NEV: plug-in hybrids and battery electric vehicles) in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, costs, and electricity demand. We find that, investing in large-scale NEV deployment minimizes overall costs over the 2050 horizon. […]


September 20, 2017 — Special RAEL ‘Town Hall’ Lunch, “RAEL Research and activism to overcome in a time of division and hate”

Energy and Resurces Group Reading Room 310 Barrows Hall, Berkeley

Please join us for a special 'town hall' RAEL lunch where we will meet to discuss our research activities and opportunities in the aftermath of 'conservative' Ben Shapiro's appearance on campus.  This session is intended to focus on positive examples and opportunities in our own research, and in what we can do in the future, […]


Dr. Alan Lamont — RAEL Lunch, September 27, “Visualizing cost efficient pathways to a low carbon electric system”

323 Barrows Hall UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Dr Alan Lamont holds BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering and PhD in Engineering Economic Systems, all from Stanford He is recently retired from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where he was an engineer for 29 years.  His work included economic analysis of energy systems, along with risk and decision analysis for infrastructure, nuclear facilities […]


On Knowledge@Wharton to discuss the Clean Power Plan and the USEPA

Knowledge@Wharton, United States

Please join me Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 AM PDT, 10:00 AM EDT online or on the radio (SiriusXM channel 111) for: Knowledge@Wharton is a daily, call-in business interview program, broadcasting live from The Wharton School's historic Ivy League campus. Host Dan Loney goes behind the headlines with world-renowned Wharton professors, distinguished alumni and expert […]


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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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