Webinar: COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

Online webinar

Fossil Free California presents a community forum on COVID-19 and the climate crisis. This live webinar features UC Berkeley’s Dr. Dan Kammen, who will present his views on how the current global pandemic intersects with the climate crisis. Dr. Kammen is Chair of UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group and Faculty Director of the Goldman School’s […]


Register now for the April 7 (6 — 8 pm PDT) Solve Climate by 2030 dialog!

Solve Climate by 2030 Webinar

Dear Friends, Please join us Tuesday, April 7 from 6 - 8 PM PDT for a unique event, the California 'Power Dialog' as part of the Solve Climate by 2030 nationwide conversation. This dialog is a community event for people of all ages and professions, students, retirees, and interested citizens in and out of California. […]

KQED — Forum with Michael Krasny, “Pandemic Response Offers Hope and Warnings for Addressing Climate Crisis

KQED - Forum

Listen live at 10:00 AM PDT (April 23, 2020), Earth Day. Or, listen online (podcast) starting the evening of April 23, click here. The coronavirus pandemic has prompted swift and far-reaching global action, as governments impose stay-at-home orders and the private sector mobilizes to find a cure. To some environmentalists, all that's a sign that […]


CLR 2020 Workshop: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning

Click here for conference details: April 26.   Many in the ML community wish to take action on climate change, yet feel their skills are inapplicable. This workshop aims to show that in fact the opposite is true: while no silver bullet, ML can be an invaluable tool both in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and […]


June 8, 2020: Are we going against the tide? Bangladesh to double its fossil fuel imports in the coming decade as renewables lag behind

Online Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sign up now to attend the debate: Is a radical #energy #transformation the cheaper option for #Bangladesh? Privatizing distribution? How to fix renewables? If you haven't signed up already be quick, 90/100 seats are already taken. Sign up here now: https://forms.gle/w5dSYqP81G91tyWf9 Brac University proudly presents you with a high-profile debate that will take on the […]


MIT A+B Energy Conference

http://applied-energy.org/mitab2020/keynote MA, United States

For the keynote schedule, click here:  http://applied-energy.org/mitab2020/keynote "Over the course of two days, panelists and speakers discussed a wide range of energy topics, including electric vehicles, energy policy, and the future of utilities. The three keynote speakers were Daniel M. Kammen, a professor of energy and the chair Energy and Resources Group and professor in […]


August 26, 2020 — RAEL Lunch


At last RAEL lunch returns. We will send around the zoom invite, but wanted to remind you to hold the calendar slot each Wednesday noon, 12 - 1 PM. (and if you have an ongoing conflict, please do let Annelise and/or myself know). Welcome back!   Dan

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085
Email: ergdeskb@berkeley.edu


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