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Dan Kammen on BBC World 19:00 GMT discussing COP27

BBC World News

To read the original in the November 5, 2022 Jordan Times, click here. COP27: Green hope growing in the desert by Frederic Hauge and Dan Kammen World leaders gather anew in Egypt […]

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Padilla Build Back Better Act discussion

For Speaker Pelosi's live stream of the event: click here. Or the direct link: For ABC-TV conversation about Build Back Better: click here. Or the direct link:   Dan Kammen's comments:

RAEL Lunch- Introductions & Project Updates

ERG *New* Reading Room 3 Giannini, Berkeley

Welcome back! Our first RAEL lunch of the semester will cover introductions and project updates. Please join either physically in the ERG *NEW* Reading Room or online at the zoom […]

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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