Media Report 2016 Summit
2016-07-15 22:14 来源: 金山在线 作者:张苗 字号:【大 中 小】 已有11人浏览
【侨报记者张苗7月15日南湾报道】7月15日,由美中绿色能源促进会携手清华大学、重庆大学、华北电力大学、协鑫新能源国际集团、中国电机工程学会等五家组织,联合主办的“2016美中绿色能源高峰论坛”在硅谷举行。论坛以“构建能源互联网以应对气候变化” 为主题,邀请到中美政府官员,以及美中两国在此三大行业——电力行业、可再生能源行业、信息技术行业暨互联网行业——的领军人物,针对目前中美两国在运用“能源互联网”上的现况和成果提出报告。借此给下一代绿色能源领域及互联网技术,特别是智能电网结合,提供进一步应对气候变化的解决方案。
中国国务院参事、中国可再生能源学会理事长石定寰,斯坦福大学高级研究员(PEEC和胡佛研究所)格伦娜(Dian Grueneich),清华大学能源互联网研究院院长曾嵘协鑫新能源国际集团首席执行长方朋等,也分别在会上作主旨报告。
据主办方介绍,美中绿色能源促进会是一个501© 3非牟利、非政府组织,于2008年在美国硅谷成立。它的宗旨和目标是通过促进美中两国人民、商业、政府、工业及学术组织之间的合作,来应对全球气候变化。
2016-07-15 22:29 来源: 金山在线 作者:张苗 字号:【大 中 小】 已有9人浏览
綠能論壇 談美中「天作之合」
July 16, 2016, 6:00 am 22 次
史丹福大學普雷科特能源效率中心(Precourt Energy Efficiency Center)資深研究員格倫娜(Dian Grueneich)與中國綠能產業交流多年,曾在2008年於北京舉辦的首屆美中綠色能源高峰論壇中進行相關產業分析報告。她表示:「中國對創新接受度很高,且具有發展綠能的人才與需求。」如何在創新產業與過往市場、文化、法規等因素間平衡,將是中國未來發展綠能的最大挑戰。
( 本報記者仇家奇聖他克拉報道)
曾嶸演講介紹能源互聯網。 記者仇家奇攝
吳錫九探討中美在能源領域的合作。 記者仇家奇攝
本次綠色能源高峰論壇嘉賓雲集。 記者仇家奇攝
吳錫九說,2008年時,該組織籌劃了第一次峰會項目,預測了未來中國環境惡化的情況。隨後幾年,中國就出現了大規模的霧霾天氣,環境惡化比想像中更加嚴重,這點就說明當年對中國環境的預測並非危言聳聽。所以,能源結構的更改已經到了刻不容緩的地步。–16/7941541.shtml?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0中新网 • 财经 • 正文
2016年07月16日 17:16 中国新闻网
中新社圣塔克拉拉7月15日电 (记者 刘丹)中美两国政府官员,电力、可再生能源、信息技术和互联网行业领军人物15日在美国加州圣塔克拉拉市出席2016美中绿色能源高峰论坛,主办方认为,中国和美国强强合作应对气候变化和能源危机,将是增进两国关系的金钥匙。
中国新闻网 — 16.07.2016
中新社圣塔克拉拉7月15日电(记者刘丹)中美两国政府官员,电力、可再生能源、信息技术和互联网行业领军人物15日在美国加州圣塔克拉拉市出席2016美中绿色能源高峰论坛,主办方认为,中国和美国强强 …
The ChinaPress — 15.07.2016
… 【侨报记者张苗7月15日南湾报道】“2016美中绿色能源高峰论坛”硅谷召开期间,为向公众更加全面、客观地介绍当前的气候变化、能源转型等问题,增强各界对绿色能源发展和中美能源合作的正确认识,论坛 …
The ChinaPress — 15.07.2016
诺贝尔奖获得者、前美国能源部长朱棣文做《气候风险和清洁能源的机遇》主旨报告。 美中绿色能源促进会主席吴锡九。 中国驻旧金山总领事罗林泉(前排左7)、美中绿色能源促进会主席吴锡九(前排左6)、诺 …
星岛环球网 — 15.07.2016
… 《星岛日报》报道:为应付日益严重的全球暖化及气候变迁问题,全球先进国家无不积极推动节能减排措施,寻求能源转型,使用各种绿色能源。经多年研究和实践显示,由电力行业、可再生能源行业、信息技术 …
发布时间:2016–07-18 10:45:34 丨 来源:中国新闻网 丨 作者:刘丹 丨 责任编辑:钱海利
Recap: 2016 US-China Green Energy Summit
July 16, 2016
Long seen as a platform for discussing the latest innovations in the green energy space, the 2016 US-China Green Energy Summit (中美绿色能源促进会) once more brought hundreds of students from the Stanford and GSB Energy Clubs, Stanford faculty, and industry leaders from all over the world to Santa Clara this past week. The 2016 conference, organized by the US-China Green Energy Council, brought together government officials and energy industry leaders from the United States and China to discuss challenges involved with meeting increasing global energy demand while reducing pollution and carbon emissions. It focused on global visions and solutions to combat climate change via the holistic integration of a new Chinese concept called the “Energy Internet”.
“What is the ‘Energy Internet’?” asked Professor Zeng Rong, one of the keynote speakers, head of the Electrical Engineering Department and Director of the Energy Research Institute at Tsinghua University, “First and foremost, it is a smart and integrated grid. Sichuan province is planning to build 30 local area networks and the greater China will expand wide area energy networks pulling energy from the Western provinces like Xinjiang to Eastern coastal areas and urban centers. Second, it is the Cyber- Physical energy system focused on using machine learning and data mining to increase energy efficiency and load matching. Finally, it is the innovative business model that connects non-energy retailers, government entities and equipment providers.”
Among the other keynote speakers on the panel were several Stanford faculty including Nobel Laureate and Former US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Senior Research Fellow Dian Grueneich of the Hoover Institution, as well as Professor Xiaoxin Zhou, Honorary President of the China Electric Power Research Institute and Dr. Peng Fang, CEO of GCL New Energy International, one of the leading polysilicon solar cell companies in China. Perhaps the most memorable part of the conference included a speech by Dinghuan Shi, chairman of the China Renewable Energy Society, who received a standing ovation for demanding greater scrutiny to the issues of clean energy production and energy efficiency.
A brief history of the Green Energy Industry will show that in 2005 China introduced its first set of renewable energy regulations, which laid the foundation for future policy and planning measures. In the recent 5‑year plan, relevant government agencies have promoted a series of practical energy regulation policies on a monthly basis. However, in the 13th 5‑year Plan non-fossil fuels will contribute to about 15% of the total electricity generated, while fossil fuels will contribute three times as much.
What is Stanford doing to address these issues and to enhance collaboration with our Chinese counterparts? Dian Grueneich, former Commissioner of the CPUC, responded, “Our new initiative Bits and Watts looks to work with the State Grid Corporation of China. We are building a physical lab, one on campus and one at the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC). We are looking at the capabilities of the distribution system operator in terms of reliability, safety, and pricing of the system. “The initiative is being headed by Professor Arun Majumdar and Steven Chu, looking to bring advanced data analytics techniques to improve our electric grid. While there was a focus on energy transition to renewable energy, the conference concluded with talks on energy transitions, new energy vehicles, Internet of Things (IoT), and a Climate Action Forum.
The 2017 US-China Green Energy Summit will be held in Chongqing, Sichuan in China next summer.
-Rahul Kini and Claire Yang–07/18/content_26129095.htm
Collaboration key on green energy, climate: experts
Updated: 2016-07-18 11:01
By Lia Zhu in San Francisco(China Daily USA)
The US and China must work together in developing renewable energy and to battle climate change, said experts attending a green energy summit in Silicon Valley.
“China’s rapid economic growth brought increasing pressure on the environment and air pollution, and the US led the world in green energy innovation,” said Robert Wu, chairman of the US-China Green Energy Council. “We strongly believe the US and China working together is the golden key to address not only the shared issues of the two countries but also the global challenges.”
Wu spoke at the 2016 Green Energy Summit in Santa Clara, California, on July 15, which was hosted by the Silicon Valley-based organization and attracted about 100 experts from China and the US.
The experts all agreed that the climate had been aggravated to an extent that concerted efforts had to be made to fight it. The US and China are the world’s largest economies and polluters.
Steven Chu, former US secretary of energy, told the summit that the temperature had increased roughly 1 degree Celsius since 1880, and glaciers were melting.
“If we go 1 degree warmer, which is the UN goal (the United Nations aims to limit the increase by that amount per year) … there’s a large fraction in Shanghai and surrounding area that would be underwater,” said Chu, showing a map of Shanghai’s sea level.
A 6- to 9‑meter rise of the sea level will likely create 500 to 700 worldwide climate refugees and tens of millions of people would be displaced in the Shanghai area alone, according to the map.
The solution for the potential risk is science and technology — energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, the industrial process and elsewhere, Chu said.
Reusable energy, primarily wind, water and solar, could meet 60 percent of the primary energy demand for both the US and China by 2050, Wu said.
The good news was that the price for the technology of solar and wind would continue to decline for perhaps another two decades, Chu said.
“For the next 20 years, you really can expect contracts for wholesale solar and wind being somewhere in the 2–3 cents KWH (kilowatt hours),” he said. “But you need an integrated system that can use these intermittent resources.”
Long-distance transmission is another big deal, and China beat the world in the longest transmission, Chu said.
The country has installed about 60 GW (gigawatts) of high-voltage DC and AC lines, and by 2020, more than 2,000 GW will have been installed.
China just started building a 3,200-km 1.1 MV (megavolt) DC line, which loses only 5 percent of its energy while the vast majority of high-voltage lines in the US are below kV AC, and 85 percent of the power will be lost in a 500 kV line, according to Chu.
China leads the world in hydropower capacity, solar PV capacity, wind power capacity and solar water heating capacity, says the report. By the end of 2015, China had 199 GW of renewable power capacities, ranking the first in the world, which had 785 GW in total.
The US, helped by its high technology, got a handle on air pollution problems, particularly in Los Angeles, about 40 years ago. China has intense air pollution now and has a reason to implement high technology, said Jeffrey Ball, scholar-in-residence at Stanford University’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance.
“But the notion that China is simply a taker of American technology is increasingly an outdated notion. Quite sophisticated research and development are going on in China today,” he said.
“There are actually self-interested reasons why both the countries want to collaborate,” he said.
(China Daily USA 07/18/2016 page2)
Rebrocast in
Ministry of Environmental Protection
US, China seek co-op in green energy
By Xue Yujie (People’s Daily Online) 09:49, July 19, 2016
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Experts and industry leaders from China and the United States attend the 9th US-ChinaGreen Energy Summit in Santa Clara, California, July 15, 2016. (Photo by Xue Yujie)
San Francisco, July. 18 – “For some time now, the U.S. and China, being the two largesteconomies in the world, have been of one mind in taking global leadership by agreeing onefforts to achieve their respective carbon emissions goals,” said Mike Honda, U.S.Congressman & Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee at the 9th US-ChinaGreen Energy Summit in Santa Clara, California on Friday.
The United States has committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 26% to 28%below the 2005 level by 2025, and to make “best efforts” to reduce emissions by 28%.Similarly, China announced the intent to peak carbon emissions around 2030 and todouble its share of zero-carbon energy
to 20 percent. In order to meet the challengespresented by this vision, Honda said, “We need to continue investing in research, andcontinue encouraging cross-sector coordination.”
U.S. and China are two of the largest economies in the world, and also two of the world’slargest energy consumers. Two countries nabbed the top two spots on energy productioncapacities and investment volumes in the world. Luo Linquan, Consul General of thePeople’s Republic of China in San
Francisc0o said that the above facts show vast space andprospects of the cooperation between US and China.
“I have had the privilege of observing the progress China has made in the electricity grid since my first meeting here in 1980, and I have a real appreciation for what the collaboration between teams from our two countries can accomplish,” Robert E. Larson,President of
the US-China Green Energy Council told People’s Daily Online.
Wu said in his keynote speech that “one of the most important things is to identify the common
interests between the US and China, then we focus on that and move ahead.”
“I’m very impressed with the ability of China to be open in innovation. I am convinced that there is a real openness on many levels in China to think about innovation,” DianGrueneich, Senior Research Fellow at Stanford University PEEC and Hoover Institutiontold People’s Daily Online.
According to Grueneich, comparing to China, innovation in the United States is sometimesmore difficult because it has entered its mature stage. “In China I think that with the openness,
there’s still a learning curve in cultural aspects of how to balance out disruptionin technology and at the same time developing its rules of law and market,” saidGrueneich.
At the USChina Green Energy Roundtable Forum on July 14, experts from over 30technology firms
and organizations in US, China and Europe shared their visions andinsights on four specific topics from Renewable Energy and Global Energy Internet,Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data, New Technology Vehicles and Energy Markets, andSilicon Valley Innovation and Smart City. Participants were asked to address the questionsfrom the security and privacy concern of the IoT users to the gaps in technology to enableDemand Side Management of New Energy Vehicles.
The 2016 Summit on Developing Energy Internets to Combat Climate Change broughttogether government officials from China and US with industry leaders in the ElectricPower, Renewable Energy, Information Technology and Internet Infrastructure. StevenChu, Nobel Laureate and Former US Secretary of Energy also attended the summit.
(For the latest China news, Please follow People’s Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Liang Jun,Bianji)
Collaboration key on green energy, climate: experts
(2016–07-18)The US and China must work together in developing renewable energy and to battle climate change, said experts attending a green energy summit in Silicon Valley.
“China’s rapid economic growth brought increasing pressure on the environment and air pollution, and the US led the world in green energy innovation,” said Robert Wu, chairman of the US-China Green Energy Council. “We strongly believe the US and China working together is the golden key to address not only the shared issues of the two countries but also the global challenges.”
Wu spoke at the 2016 Green Energy Summit in Santa Clara, California, on July 15, which was hosted by the Silicon Valley-based organization and attracted about 100 experts from China and the US.
The experts all agreed that the climate had been aggravated to an extent that concerted efforts had to be made to fight it. The US and China are the world’s largest economies and polluters.
Steven Chu, former US secretary of energy, told the summit that the temperature had increased roughly 1 degree Celsius since 1880, and glaciers were melting.
“If we go 1 degree warmer, which is the UN goal (the United Nations aims to limit the increase by that amount per year) … there’s a large fraction in Shanghai and surrounding area that would be underwater,” said Chu, showing a map of Shanghai’s sea level.
A 6- to 9‑meter rise of the sea level will likely create 500 to 700 worldwide climate refugees and tens of millions of people would be displaced in the Shanghai area alone, according to the map.
The solution for the potential risk is science and technology — energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, the industrial process and elsewhere, Chu said.
Reusable energy, primarily wind, water and solar, could meet 60 percent of the primary energy demand for both the US and China by 2050, Wu said.
The good news was that the price for the technology of solar and wind would continue to decline for perhaps another two decades, Chu said.
“For the next 20 years, you really can expect contracts for wholesale solar and wind being somewhere in the 2–3 cents KWH (kilowatt hours),” he said. “But you need an integrated system that can use these intermittent resources.”
Long-distance transmission is another big deal, and China beat the world in the longest transmission, Chu said.
The country has installed about 60 GW (gigawatts) of high-voltage DC and AC lines, and by 2020, more than 2,000 GW will have been installed.
China just started building a 3,200-km 1.1 MV (megavolt) DC line, which loses only 5 percent of its energy while the vast majority of high-voltage lines in the US are below kV AC, and 85 percent of the power will be lost in a 500 kV line, according to Chu.
China leads the world in hydropower capacity, solar PV capacity, wind power capacity and solar water heating capacity, says the report. By the end of 2015, China had 199 GW of renewable power capacities, ranking the first in the world, which had 785 GW in total.
The US, helped by its high technology, got a handle on air pollution problems, particularly in Los Angeles, about 40 years ago. China has intense air pollution now and has a reason to implement high technology, said Jeffrey Ball, scholar-in-residence at Stanford University’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance.
“But the notion that China is simply a taker of American technology is increasingly an outdated notion. Quite sophisticated research and development are going on in China today,” he said.
“There are actually self-interested reasons why both the countries want to collaborate,” he said.–07/18/content_26129095.htm
Source:china daily
Date:Jul 19,2016,%20China%20seek%20co-op%20in%20green%20energy
US, China seek co-op in green energy
Experts and industry leaders from China and the United States attend the 9th US-ChinaGreen Energy Summit in Santa Clara, California, July 15, 2016. (Photo by Xue Yujie)
(2016–07-19)“For some time now, the U.S. and China, being the two largest economies in the world, have been of one mind in taking global leadership by agreeing on efforts to achieve their respective carbon emissions goals,” said Mike Honda, U.S. Congressman & Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee at the 9th US-China Green Energy Summit in Santa Clara, California on Friday.
The United States has committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 26% to 28% below the 2005 level by 2025, and to make “best efforts” to reduce emissions by 28%. Similarly, China announced the intent to peak carbon emissions around 2030 and to double its share of zero-carbon energy to 20 percent. In order to meet the challenges presented by this vision, Honda said, “We need to continue investing in research, and continue encouraging cross-sector coordination.”
U.S. and China are two of the largest economies in the world, and also two of the world’s largest energy consumers. Two countries nabbed the top two spots on energy production capacities and investment volumes in the world. Luo Linquan, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in San Francisco, said that the above facts show vast space and prospects of the cooperation between US and China.
“I have had the privilege of observing the progress China has made in the electricity grid since my first meeting here in 1980, and I have a real appreciation for what the collaboration between teams from our two countries can accomplish,” Robert E. Larson, President of the US-China Green Energy Council told People’s Daily Online.
Wu said in his keynote speech that “one of the most important things is to identify the common interests between the US and China, then we focus on that and move ahead.”
“I’m very impressed with the ability of China to be open in innovation. I am convinced that there is a real openness on many levels in China to think about innovation,” Dian Grueneich, Senior Research Fellow at Stanford University PEEC and Hoover Institution told People’s Daily Online.
According to Grueneich, comparing to China, innovation in the United States is sometimes more difficult because it has entered its mature stage. “In China I think that with the openness, there’s still a learning curve in cultural aspects of how to balance out disruption in technology and at the same time developing its rules of law and market,” said Grueneich.
At the US-China Green Energy Roundtable Forum on July 14, experts from over 30 technology firms and organizations in US, China and Europe shared their visions and insights on four specific topics from Renewable Energy and Global Energy Internet, Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data, New Technology Vehicles and Energy Markets, and Silicon Valley Innovation and Smart City. Participants were asked to address the questions from the security and privacy concern of the IoT users to the gaps in technology to enable Demand Side Management of New Energy Vehicles.
The 2016 Summit on Developing Energy Internets to Combat Climate Change brought together government officials from China and US with industry leaders in the Electric Power, Renewable Energy, Information Technology and Internet Infrastructure. Steven Chu, Nobel Laureate and Former US Secretary of Energy also attended the summit.
Source:People’s Daily Online
Date:Jul 20,2016
Source:People’s Daily Online
Date:Jul 20,2016