NEWS Strathmore-​​UC Berkeley Energy Access Workshop … and some wildlife safari time.

The Strath­more Energy Research Cen­ter (SERC) and the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley held a joint work­shop on energy research, gov­er­nance, and the role of the pri­vate sec­tor in build­ing an inclu­sive clean energy econ­omy.  This joint activ­ity was sup­ported by both Strath­more Uni­ver­sity and a National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion Cyber-​​Physical Sys­tems Pro­gram grant to Pro­fes­sors Call­away and Kam­men.

The slides from Pro­fes­sor Kammen’s talk are here.


The SWITCH-​​Kenya model of the Kenyan power grid is avail­able here.

Isa Fer­rall and Dun­can Call­away also spoke at the event.


Before the work­shop, the RAEL team spent time Mpala Research Cen­tre look­ing at high-​​voltage trans­mis­sion projects and the wildlife.  A few images are below.

Turkana wind on Mpala

Trans­mis­sion line to Lake Turkana Wind Farm that Kam­men worked on financ­ing and locat­ing while at the World Bank, 2010 — 2011.




RAEL team at Mpala Resdearch Centre-July 8-2018


RAEL team at the Mpala Research Cen­ter front gate.  An all-​​Berkeley shot:

L to R: Kam­men, Isa Fer­rall (ERG PhD stu­dent), Den­nis Nyamu (Beahrs Envi­ron­men­tal Lead­er­ship Pro­gram, 2017 & Man­ager, Human Needs Project), Ser­ena Patel (RAEL under­grad­u­ate), Dr. Rebekah Shirley, Akol Akol Kuan (RAEL undergraduate).




RAEL at the hippo pools at Mpala Research Cen­ter.  To check out the action at the pools right now day or night, take a look at MpalaLive!




RAEL team at the pre­his­toric human shel­ter caves on Mpala.



DSCN9495Mpala has the largest herd of ele­phant on pri­vate land in Kenya.


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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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