NEWS Renewable power surges as pandemic scrambles global energy outlook, new report finds

Sci­ence Mag­a­zine cov­ers the Green Stim­u­lus. Click here for the orig­i­nal.

The pan­dem­ic-induced glob­al eco­nom­ic melt­down has trig­gered a drop in ener­gy demand and relat­ed car­bon emis­sions that could trans­form how the world gets its energy—even after the dis­ease wanes, accord­ing to a report released today by the Inter­na­tion­al Ener­gy Agency (IEA).

The pre­cip­i­tous drop in ener­gy use is unpar­al­leled back to the Great Depres­sion of the 1930s. But not all ener­gy sources are suf­fer­ing equal­ly. Efforts to shift toward renew­able ener­gy could be has­tened as fos­sil fuels, par­tic­u­lar­ly coal and oil, have borne the brunt of the decline. Use of renew­able ener­gy, mean­while, has risen thanks to new projects com­ing online and the low cost of turn­ing wind tur­bines or har­vest­ing sunlight.

The ener­gy indus­try that emerges from this cri­sis will be sig­nif­i­cant­ly dif­fer­ent from the one that came before,” pre­dicts Fatih Birol, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Paris-based IEA.

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The num­bers spell out the changes rat­tling the ener­gy world:

  • Glob­al ener­gy demand is expect­ed to drop by 6% in 2020, com­pared with the pre­vi­ous year. That’s a sev­en times big­ger drop than in the wake of the 2008 reces­sion. The biggest change is pre­dict­ed for the most devel­oped economies, with a 9% decline in the Unit­ed States and 11% in the Euro­pean Union.
  • Car­bon emis­sions from the ener­gy sec­tor are expect­ed to fall by 8% for the year—almost 2.6 giga­tons. That makes it the largest drop ever record­ed and six times the decline caused by the last recession.
  • Demand for renew­able ener­gy is expect­ed to grow 1% over the year, dri­ven by a 5% increase in use of renew­able elec­tric­i­ty. That con­trast with fos­sil fuels stems large­ly from the low fuel costs for gen­er­at­ing elec­tric­i­ty from wind, sun­light, or hydro­elec­tric dams.

Year­long fore­casts could change, depend­ing on how long economies remain locked down by a com­bi­na­tion of gov­ern­ment and pri­vate efforts to stem the spread of the new coro­n­avirus. But the first 3 months of 2020 already tell a tale of swift and dra­mat­ic change. Glob­al ener­gy demand fell an esti­mat­ed 3.8%, with much of that com­ing in March, as the virus spread and coun­tries imposed tighter lim­its on busi­ness­es and move­ment, accord­ing to the new report.

Coun­tries with strict lock­downs have seen a 25% drop in week-to-week ener­gy demand as fac­to­ries are shut­tered and peo­ple stay home. Demand fell 18% in nations with par­tial lock­downs. Demand for electricity—a sub­set of total energy—has fall­en as much as 20% in locked down coun­tries, and dai­ly pat­terns of elec­tric­i­ty con­sump­tion resem­ble those usu­al­ly seen on a typ­i­cal Sunday.

Coal suf­fered the biggest loss­es in the first quar­ter of the year, with an almost 8% drop com­pared with the start of 2019. Major con­trib­u­tors to the decline includ­ed: the lock­down in Chi­na, a heavy coal user; com­pe­ti­tion from cheap­er nat­ur­al gas and renew­able ener­gy; and mild win­ter weath­er. Demand for oil fell by 5%, as car traf­fic was cut in half and air trav­el by 60% by the end of March. Renew­able ener­gy use, in con­trast, rose 1.5% in the first 3 months of the year.

The pan­dem­ic is reveal­ing down­sides to fos­sil fuels, such as the need for exten­sive stor­age sys­tems and sup­ply chains to move fuel from its source, says Daniel Kam­men, an ener­gy pol­i­cy expert at the Uni­ver­si­ty Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley. “Those costs are always there,” Kam­men says. “But when there’s so lit­tle demand for fos­sil fuel, what you’re see­ing is the infra­struc­ture to move it around has been overwhelmed.”

The new report not­ed that new renew­able ener­gy projects could slow if con­struc­tion is slowed by lock­downs or prob­lems get­ting need­ed equipment.

It’s less clear what will hap­pen once the pan­dem­ic recedes and economies sput­ter back to life. Birol not­ed that green­house gas emis­sions resumed their upward march fol­low­ing the last eco­nom­ic down­turn. He urged gov­ern­ments to put clean ener­gy tech­nolo­gies “at the heart of their plans for eco­nom­ic recovery.”

Some coun­tries have already shown signs they want to head down that path. In South Korea, the rul­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, which won a land­slide vic­to­ry in mid-April elec­tions, recent­ly called for clean ener­gy invest­ment as part of its eco­nom­ic plan. Ger­man and U.K. offi­cials have also said envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns should inform recov­ery efforts.

Kam­men, who is co-author of a pro­pos­al for a “green stim­u­lus” ini­tia­tive in the Unit­ed States, hopes the cur­rent suc­cess of renew­able ener­gy, cou­pled with people’s expe­ri­ence of clean­er air as less fos­sil fuel is burned, will help win sup­port for such a shift else­where. “One ver­sion of the coro­n­avirus cri­sis is it all eas­es and we go back to what we were doing before,” Kam­men says. “The oth­er ver­sion of it is peo­ple say, ‘Wow, I hadn’t real­ized how bad things were.’”

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