September 2, 2020 — RAEL Lunch, Jessica Kersey, “Spotlighting Urban Informality in Energy Access Research”


Bio: Jess Kersey is a second-year master's student with the University of California Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group. She is broadly interested in decentralized and innovative energy technologies for energy access and climate resilience in developing cities. She has a particular geographic interest in the Caribbean and Latin America. Jess is also a research affiliate […]

September 16, 2020 — RAEL Lunch, Henry Sokolski, “Accurate Missile Strikes against Reactors: New Nuclear Worries”

RAEL online zoom

Please join us for a talk from Henry Sokolski, the Executive Director of The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center. Henry Sokolski also teaches graduate-level classes on nuclear policy at the University of Utah and the Institute of World Politics. He is also a Senior Fellow for Nuclear Security Studies at the University of California at San Diego's […]

Sept. 24, 2020 — NYC Climate Week, “Environmental Justice: Climate, Health & Energy’

Watch the video, click here. Host: Melissa Lott Presenters (Guests): Dr. Daniel Kammen, Professor of Energy, University of California, Berkeley and Former Science Envoy, US Department of State Dr. Maria Neira, Director, Public Health, Environment, and Social Detriments of Health Department (PHE), World Health Organisation Dr. Nick Watts, Executive Director, The Lancet Countdown   Climate Week […]

RAEL Lunch (9/​30/​2020), Alan Lamont, “Innovations in energy storage for a carbon-neutral economy”

RAEL zoom (contact us to be added)

Topic: In looking ahead to entirely decarbonizing the electric generation system, there is a debate about the use of nuclear generation.  One school of thought argues that nuclear will be essential to successful decarbonization, while the other feels that this can be done entirely using renewable technologies, essentially wind and solar.  This research investigates the […]


October 19, 2020 — BERCShop 2020: “Energy is on the Ballot”

Dan Kammen is the Founding Director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, and a professor in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School, and the Department of Nuclear Engineering.  He served as Science Envoy in the Obama Administration,  and previously served as Chief Technical Specialist for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency at the World […]


January 27, 2021 RAEL Lunch: “Charting innovation in energy storage”

RAEL Lunch (online) RAEL Lunch (online), RAEL Lunch (online), CA, United States

Dan Kammen will lead  the RAEL lunch this week where we will focus on both materials science and operational innovations in energy storage, both focused on l0ng-term energy storage (a project we are doing with Prof. Sarah Kurtz at UC Merced, Prof. Noah Kittner at U. of North Carolina, and Prof. Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez of UC […]

February 3, 2021 — RAEL Lunch, The 2041 Foundation /​ Paulina Villalonga and Roger Swan

Paulina Villalonga (UC Berkeley student) and Roger Swan (Founder, 2041 Foundation) will talk about their polar treks, and larger mission of polar and global conservation that is the work of the Foundation. Background: The 2041 Foundation was founded by polar explorer and environmentalist Robert Swan, OBE (Order of the British Empire), the first person to […]

RAEL Lunch- Introductions & Project Updates

ERG *New* Reading Room 3 Giannini, Berkeley, CA, United States

Welcome back! Our first RAEL lunch of the semester will cover introductions and project updates. Please join either physically in the ERG *NEW* Reading Room or online at the zoom link sent in the google calendar invite. Please contact Annelise Gill-Wiehl at if you'd like to join virtually, but are not on the listserv. […]

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Padilla Build Back Better Act discussion

For Speaker Pelosi's live stream of the event: click here. Or the direct link: For ABC-TV conversation about Build Back Better: click here. Or the direct link:   Dan Kammen's comments:

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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