RAEL Lunch (note special Thursday date & location!): Michael Grubb, “Innovation, economics and policy in the energy revolution: Insights from the UK electricity transition and wider implications”

BerkeleyLaw (Room 10) Berkeey Law School, Berkeley

Please join us for a special joint Innovation, economics and policy in the energy revolution: Insights from the UK electricity transition and wider implications   Summary: This talk will outline both theory and practice of energy transition and decarbonisation, drawing on long experience in the UK which has been a battleground between different approaches to […]

RAEL to co-sponsor “Clean Energy Collaboration” meeting in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Pullman Hotel Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

In partnership with Save Rivers, PACOS Trust, JOAS, and the UNDP, RAEL will sponsor and present at the March 15 & 16 "Clean Energy Collaboration" meeting in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.  The meeting is focused on "Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Pathways for Sarawak and Malaysia. For meeting information, click here. Coverage includes: The Malaysian Insight, "Dam projects […]

3-20-2018: RAEL lunch talk, John McQueeney, “ERG to Cannabis”

310 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

John McQueeney was a UC Berkekey undergraduate and sustainable energy researcher. He has worked in solar PV development, energy efficiency, and on carbon and energy planning and research in Asia.  John now works in medical marijuana.  He will describe how his ERG-based skills have served him in this new and rapidly changing field.


POSTPONED: April 17: RAEL Lunch, Emma Tome “Energy and environmental justice”

310 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

POSTPONED: Emma’s interests are at the intersection of climate change adaptation, environmental justice, and science and technology studies, with a focus on renewable energy technology adoption in under-resourced communities. She received her B.A. in Geography and B.S. in Environmental Sciences at UC Berkeley in 2011, and her undergraduate research focused on critical approaches to GIS […]


2019 Navajo Sustainability Symposium

Unnamed Venue High Country Conference Center – 201 West Butler Avenue , Flagstaff, United States

Mission: The mission of the Navajo Sustainability Symposium is to engage business, academia, communities, NGOs and others in active discussion of the issues of sustainability for the Navajo Nation including, but not limited to, sustainable business practices, sustainable energy transitions, energy conservation, adopting and implementing sustainable practices, creating sustainable neighborhoods, water conservation and purity, natural […]

RAEL Fall Kickoff Meeting

310 Barrows Hall 310 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

We will hold the first 'RAEL Lunch' of the 2019 Fall semester next week, September 4, from 12 - 1 pm, in the ERG Reading Room. We will be focusing on short summaries of current and planned RAEL projects, and opportunities for students to get involved.   Please join us.


RAEL Lunch, September 18

310 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

At RAEL lunch today we will: 1) review some of the projects where student opportunities exist; 2) discuss new research opportunities in energy storage integrated with energy systems at scales from: i) second-life of batteries in mini-grids ii) the interactions of utility-scale storage systems in providing storage capacity and other ancillary services (a project with […]

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085
Email: ergdeskb@berkeley.edu


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