The Future of Sustainable Energy (The Business Booster)

The Bella Center Center Blvd. 5, 2300 , København

If you are base in Europe, hope to see you in Copenhagen at the Business Booster / Innovation Europe Event at the Bella Center.    For details, see: The Business Booster is an annual two-day international networking event that showcases 150+ sustainable energy technologies under one roof. TBB rotates among our European capitals – […]


RAEL Lunch, October 24, “Energy Development in Conflict Settings: Research Updates” Samira Siddique and Hilary Yu

310 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

This will be a special RAEL lunch to discuss and explore research directions in the emerging area of 'Energy Development in Conflict Settings', where Samira Siddique is working in the Rohingya context, and Hilary Yu is working in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.  More generally, a number of large-scale efforts are emerging on campus […]


RAEL Lunch — November 14, Sara Mulhauser, “Do utility ownership structures impact energy storage diffusion rates?”

310 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

Sara is an architect who delved into distributed generation while developing fuel cell projects for Bloom Energy. She became interested in the energy industry in general, and specifically the regulatory and finance conditions that make markets more open to uptake of innovative technologies. While her focus is in energy, she is also interested in how […]

Communicating Scientific Research with Dan Kammen

Blum Hall Blum Hall, B100, Berkeley, CA, United States

Slides from this conversation are available here. Open to all Berkeley Students Communicating Scientific Research with Dan Kammen Nov. 14 | 3-4pm | Blum Hall B100 The Blum Center and the InFEWS program are hosting a conversation with Prof. Daniel Kammen. How can you synthesize and translate your research for lay audiences? How can you begin to think about […]


An Energy Plan the Earth Can Live With

Knafel Center 10 Garden Street , Cambridge, United States

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, issued a critical report in October 2018 on the vital need to hold anthropogenic global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius. Humans have already warmed the planet 1 degree C. An about-face on pollution and planetary degradation is needed to achieve this remarkable […]


RAEL Lunch: 27 February — Advancing Energy and Climate Planning Models: Optimization Methods, Variable Renewables, and Smart Grids

Energy and Resources Group 310 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

James Merrick’s research focuses on the improvement of mathematical modeling methods to address a variety of energy and climate planning problems. This talk will discuss this research, with an emphasis on how to structure models to provide economic and policy insight, focusing on appropriate valuation of renewables and energy storage options. James completed his PhD […]

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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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