AlumniPhD, Associate Professor Joanna Lewis

Joan­na Lewis is an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of Sci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy and Inter­na­tion­al Affairs (STIA) at George­town Uni­ver­si­ty’s Edmund A. Walsh School of For­eign Ser­vice. Her research focus­es on ener­gy, envi­ron­ment and inno­va­tion in Chi­na, includ­ing renew­able ener­gy indus­try devel­op­ment and cli­mate change pol­i­cy. She is cur­rent­ly lead­ing a Nation­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion-fund­ed project on Inter­na­tion­al Part­ner­ships and Tech­no­log­i­cal Leapfrog­ging in Chi­na’s Clean Ener­gy Sec­tor. Her recent book, Green Inno­va­tion in Chi­na: China’s Wind Pow­er Indus­try and the Glob­al Tran­si­tion to a Low-Car­bon Econ­o­my, was award­ed the 2014 Harold and Mar­garet Sprout Award by the Inter­na­tion­al Stud­ies Asso­ci­a­tion for best book of the year in envi­ron­men­tal studies.

Dr. Lewis is cur­rent­ly a non-res­i­dent fac­ul­ty affil­i­ate with the Chi­na Ener­gy Group at Lawrence Berke­ley Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry. She also serves as an inter­na­tion­al advis­er to the Ener­gy Foun­da­tion Chi­na Sus­tain­able Ener­gy Pro­gram in Bei­jing, and is a Lead Author of the Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change’s Fifth Assess­ment Report. She was a mem­ber of the Nation­al Acad­e­mies Com­mit­tee on U.S.-China Coop­er­a­tion on Elec­tric­i­ty from Renew­ables and has con­sult­ed for many domes­tic and inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tions includ­ing UNIDO and USAID. She serves on the Advi­so­ry Boards of the Asia Soci­ety’s Cen­ter on U.S.-China Rela­tions and the Amer­i­can Coun­cil on Renew­able Ener­gy (ACORE)’s U.S.-China Pro­gram. Dr. Lewis was award­ed a fel­low­ship at the Woodrow Wil­son Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Schol­ars from 2011–2012, and was a Nation­al Com­mit­tee on US-Chi­na Rela­tions Pub­lic Intel­lec­tu­als Pro­gram Fel­low from 2011–2013.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, Dr. Lewis was a Senior Inter­na­tion­al Fel­low at the Pew Cen­ter on Glob­al Cli­mate Change and a researcher in the Chi­na Ener­gy Group at the U.S. Depart­ment of Energy’s Lawrence Berke­ley Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry. She served as the tech­ni­cal direc­tor for the Asia Society’s Ini­tia­tive for U.S.-China Coop­er­a­tion on Ener­gy and Cli­mate, and has also worked at the White House Coun­cil on Envi­ron­men­tal Qual­i­ty, the Nation­al Wildlife Fed­er­a­tion and the Envi­ron­men­tal Defense Fund. From 2003–2004 she was a vis­it­ing schol­ar at the Insti­tute of Ener­gy, Envi­ron­ment, and Econ­o­my at Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty in Bei­jing and in 2010 was a vis­it­ing fel­low at the East West Cen­ter in Hon­olu­lu, Hawaii.

Nate Hultman, Joanna Lewis  and RAEL undergraduates in Washington, DC

Nate Hult­man, Joan­na Lewis and RAEL under­grad­u­ates in Wash­ing­ton, DC

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