PublicationJournal Article Putting renewables and energy efficiency to work: How many jobs can the clean energy industry generate in the US?

April 4, 2010
Publication Type:
Journal Article

An ana­lyt­i­cal job cre­ation mod­el for the US pow­er sec­tor from 2009 to 2030 is pre­sent­ed. The model
syn­the­sizes data from 15 job stud­ies cov­er­ing renew­able energy(RE), ener­gy effi­cien­cy (EE), carbon
cap­ture and stor­age (CCS) and nuclear pow­er. The paper employs a con­sis­tent method­ol­o­gy of
nor­mal­iz­ing job data to aver­age employ­ment per unit ener­gy pro­duced over plant life­time. Job loss­es in
the coal and nat­ur­al gas indus­try are mod­eled to project net employ­ment impacts. Ben­e­fits and
draw­backs of the method­ol­o­gy are assessed and the result­ing mod­el is used for job pro­jec­tions under
var­i­ous renew­able port­fo­lio stan­dards (RPS), EE,and low car­bon ener­gy sce­nar­ios. We find that all non-fos­sil fuel tech­nolo­gies (renew­able ener­gy, EE, low car­bon) cre­ate more jobs per unit ener­gy than coal
and nat­ur­al gas. Aggres­sive EE mea­sures com­bined with a 30% RPS tar­get in 2030 can gen­er­ate over 4
mil­lion full-time-equiv­a­lent job-years­by 2030 while increas­ing nuclear pow­er to 25% and CCS to 10% of
over all gen­er­a­tion in 2030 can yield an addi­tion­al 500,000 job-years.

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