PublicationNewspaper Article Scientists attack biomass power subsidy

May 4, 2014
Publication Type:
Newspaper Article


Some of the most dis­tin­guished sci­en­tists in the US have writ­ten to UK ener­gy sec­re­tary Ed Dav­ey, urg­ing him to aban­don the government’s “mis­guid­ed” sub­si­dies for com­pa­nies burn­ing wood pel­lets to gen­er­ate elec­tric­i­ty, such as the Drax plant in Yorkshire.

The biol­o­gist, Dr E.O. Wil­son and Pro­fes­sor Daniel Kam­men, an ener­gy advis­er to the US State Depart­ment, are among 60 sig­na­to­ries to a let­ter seen by the FT. It warns that UK ener­gy poli­cies are stim­u­lat­ing an “explo­sive growth” in wood pel­let mills that will not reduce car­bon emis­sions and which threat­ens impor­tant native forests.

This is a fresh com­pli­ca­tion for Drax, which is like­ly to receive around £200m of sub­si­dies this year for con­vert­ing part of its coal pow­er plant to burn wood pel­lets import­ed from the US instead.

The so-called bio­mass sub­si­dies will help the UK meet EU tar­gets requir­ing the bloc to get 20 per cent of its ener­gy from renew­able sources by 2020.

One of the biggest coal pow­er plants in Europe, Drax will need at least 7m tonnes of wood pel­lets a year once it has con­vert­ed three of its six boil­ers to wood. It is still con­sid­er­ing plans to con­vert a fourth, mean­ing its annu­al pel­let demand could exceed 9m tonnes and its annu­al sub­si­dies could reach £940m, accord­ing to Lon­don ener­gy ana­lyst Roland Vetter.

Demand for wood pel­lets in the UK and Europe is fuelled by mis­guid­ed ener­gy poli­cies, which incor­rect­ly assume that burn­ing wood will low­er car­bon emis­sions and help address cli­mate change,” says the let­ter to Mr Dav­ey, writ­ten by Dr William Schlesinger of New York’s Cary Insti­tute of Ecosys­tem Studies.

These poli­cies appear to sub­scribe to the wood pel­let and pow­er indus­try claim that burn­ing wood is a car­bon neu­tral process because new trees will even­tu­al­ly absorb and store the car­bon that was released when wood is burnt.”

Drax does not claim its wood-to-pow­er con­ver­sion is entire­ly car­bon neu­tral, but argues over­all emis­sions are low­er because its fuel comes from sus­tain­ably man­aged forests, where new trees absorb car­bon faster than old­er ones.

The com­pa­ny says its pel­lets main­ly come from wood waste such as saw­dust, off­cuts or for­est thin­nings, rather than large healthy trees that absorb the car­bon diox­ide emis­sions, which are warm­ing the atmos­phere to poten­tial­ly risky levels.

We are nat­u­ral­ly at the low val­ue end of the spec­trum and that means it’s typ­i­cal­ly residues,” said Drax spokes­woman Melanie Wedgbury.

Wood pel­let exports from south­ern US states where Drax is get­ting most of its fuel have more than tripled in the last three years, accord­ing to Wood Resources Inter­na­tion­al, a Seat­tle-based research consultancy.

The expan­sion, which is entire­ly dri­ven by demand for bio­mass in Europe, has increased pel­let exports from 800,000 tons in 2011 to 2.9m tons in 2013,” WRI said in a state­ment. The UK is the biggest importer.

But the sci­en­tists behind the let­ter to Mr Dav­ey say forests are being threat­ened as a result of what they say are flawed assump­tions about the envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits of burn­ing wood instead of fos­sil fuels such as coal.

I think the EU con­ceived these poli­cies in good faith,” Dr Schlesinger told the FT. “But they didn’t think about what would hap­pen out­side the bor­ders of the EU”.

Drax is build­ing two of its own pel­let plants, in Louisiana and Mis­sis­sip­pi, to assure the envi­ron­men­tal integri­ty of its supplies.

Using off­takes from forests such as thin­nings can make oth­er trees grow more, which is ben­e­fi­cial, said one of the letter’s sig­na­to­ries, Daniel Kam­men, pro­fes­sor of ener­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berkeley.

The prob­lem, though, is the eco­nom­ic dri­vers,” he said, explain­ing demand for wood pel­lets can lead to greater har­vest­ing of stand­ing forests. “The sci­ence and the busi­ness are in con­flict here.”

The sci­en­tists’ let­ter to Mr Dav­ey says near­ly 90 per cent of south­east­ern US forests are pri­vate­ly owned and there are few reg­u­la­to­ry safe­guards to ensure har­vest­ed trees are replaced by sus­tain­ably man­aged new forests.

In addi­tion, mount­ing Euro­pean demand for pel­lets means some exporters are now eye­ing wood from impor­tant native forests, it says, and there is grow­ing evi­dence that trees are the main source of the wood pel­lets export­ed to the UK from the south­ern US, rather than wood waste.

Euro­pean envi­ron­men­tal groups are also anx­ious to see a change in the UK’s poli­cies. “The sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence on this is stack­ing up and sci­en­tists are frus­trat­ed no one is lis­ten­ing to them,” said Ken­neth Richter of Friends of the Earth in London.

The ener­gy depart­ment said the UK gov­ern­ment was com­mit­ted to using bioen­er­gy wise­ly and had recent­ly strength­ened standards.

We are also gath­er­ing evi­dence for our next bioen­er­gy strat­e­gy and will review and tight­en green­house gas stan­dards that will apply to new bio­mass gen­er­a­tion from April 2019,” a spokes­woman said.


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