This Viewpoint examines data on international trends in energy research and
development (R&D) funding, patterns of U.S. energy technology patents and
R&D funding, and U.S. R&D intensities across selected sectors. The data
present a disturbing picture: (i) Energy technology funding levels have declined
signiÞcantly during the past two decades throughout the industrial
world; (ii) U.S. R&D spending and patents, both overall and in the energy
sector, have been highly correlated during the past two decades; and (iii) the
R&D intensity of the U.S. energy sector is extremely low. It is argued that
recent cutbacks in energy R&D are likely to reduce the capacity of the energy
sector to innovate. The trends are particularly troubling given the need for
increased international capacity to respond to emerging risks such as global
climate change.