March 6, 2018 — @MIT for “Innovating for the clean energy economy”

MITei 25 AMES STREET, Cambridge, United States

This talk will examine the current state of clean energy innovation and implementation. Through explorations of household, city, and regional clean energy innovations and implementation efforts, Professor Daniel Kammen will both analyze successful innovation processes and identify the areas that need urgent action and targeted programs. A mixture of analytic and empirical studies will be […]


RAEL Lunch Talk — March 7 — Veronica Jacome: The Social Construction of Utilities for Energy Access

310 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

Connecting poor populations to electricity is generally thought to lead to reductions in poverty-induced vulnerabilities and is considered a primary strategy for meeting development goals. Indeed the main push for electrification projects in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) rests on the connection between the lack of electricity connections in SSA, and the prevalence of poverty. However, this […]


RAEL Lunch Talk: Efficient Clustering Methods for Wind Turbine Performance Across the U.S

ERG Reading Room 310 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Currently there are more than 50,000 operating wind turbines across the entire U.S. Their performances varies based on the design, weather conditions, and geographic locations. Studying the capacity for each wind turbine individually is cumbersome and unable to scale with the rapid growth in wind energy deployment. We propose a solution that group the wind […]

RAEL Lunch Talk: Student Research on Rooftop Solar Photovoltaics — A National Zip-Code Level Study

ERG Reading Room 310 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

The rooftop solar industry in the US has experienced dramatic growth, roughly 50% per year since 2012 along with steadily falling prices. One study at NREL estimates the national rooftop solar potential to be 1,432 TWh of annual energy generation, which equates to 39% of total national electric-sector sales. Despite this vast potential, last year […]

Meet in Memorial Glade, 1 pm Monday, April 23, to celebrate Earth Day +1 (Earth Day + Fossil Fuel Divestment)

Memorial Glade, Berkeley, CA, United States

Fossil Free UC Berkeley will be holding a noon - 12 pm rally, Monday, April 23 to celebrate Earth Day and to call for fossil fuel divestment.  I'll be joining to speak about my efforts to convince UCB and the UC System to divest at 1:00 pm. A copy of my 2013 Op Ed in […]


BAMPFA: Reassembling Hope with Rebecca Solnit, Dacher Keltner, Dan Kammen, Shannon Jackson, and Friends of the Bay Area Book Festival

BAMPFA 2155 Center Street , Berkeley, CA, United States

Join author and UC Berkeley alum Rebecca Solnit and others as they bring both Arts + Design Mondays and the 2018 Bay Area Book Festival to a close with a conversation on the idea of hope. Solnit, together with a range of Berkeley professors, authors, and community activists, will discuss our fraught political landscape, how […]

Special Lecture by Professor Douglas Brinkley, “RACHEL CARSON’S SILENT SPRING REVOLUTION”

159 Mulford Hall 159 Mulford Hall, Berkeley, United States

    This lecture is part of a symposium on “After the Death of Nature: Carolyn Merchant and Future of Human-Nature Relations,” Townsend Center, 220 Stephens Hall, May 4, 2018, 9-5 pm.  Note: This lecture is 159 Mulford Hall.   All are welcome.   Douglas Brinkley is a Professor of American History at Rice University […]


Princeton Environmental Institute Seminar, “An Energy Plan the Earth Can Live With”

10 Guyot Hall, Princeton University, United States

Daniel Kammen, Professor of Energy at the University of California, Berkeley, will present, "An Energy Plan the Earth Can Live With," at 4 p.m. Monday, May 7, in Guyot Hall, Room 10. Kammen is the eighth and final speaker in the Challenges in Environmental Sciences Seminar (CHESS) Series organized by PEI in cooperation with campus […]


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Energy & Resources Group
310 Barrows Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3050
Phone: (510) 642-1640
Fax: (510) 642-1085


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