Project Green Job Creation and Regional Economic Opportunities at the State Level


The US green jobs project mod­els the job cre­ation capac­i­ty of the ener­gy indus­try across the Unit­ed States in the next decades. This mod­el is based on an empir­i­cal approach, bas­ing esti­mates of job cre­ation on sur­veys of actu­al hir­ing and direct job cre­ation in dif­fer­ent sub-sec­tors of the ener­gy indus­try. Rely­ing on these data, we are then able to fore­cast job cre­ation poten­tial at the state lev­el based on cur­rent ener­gy sec­tor struc­ture, cur­rent and pro­posed ener­gy reg­u­la­tions and fos­sil fuel as well as clean ener­gy stan­dards.  The mod­el and the data are avail­able and inter­ac­tive via down­load­able spread­sheets and inter­ac­tive online map.

Down­load­able data Spreadsheets:

Alaba­ma New Mex­i­co Michi­gan Maine Mary­land Ida­ho Geor­gia Delaware Col­orado Cal­i­for­nia Ken­tucky USA Wyoming Wis­con­sin West Vir­ginia Wash­ing­ton Vir­ginia Ver­mont Utah Texas Ten­nessee South Dako­ta South Car­oli­na Rhode Island Penn­syl­va­nia Ore­gon Okla­homa Ohio North Dako­ta North Car­oli­na New York New Jer­sey New Hamp­shire Neva­da Nebras­ka Mon­tana Mis­souri Mis­sis­sip­pi Min­neso­ta Mass­a­chu­setts Kansas Louisiana Iowa Indi­ana Illi­nois Flori­da Con­necti­cut Arkansas Ari­zona

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